anakin, do you read me, this is obi-wan kenobi

the meaning of life is a quest for knowledge and inner fulfilment.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

tip of the day: go play John Mirra BMX II 8-)
"aww why won't he do the crotch grip"
"sooner or later he won't have a crotch."

HAHAHHAHA that was the BEST day! thats the BEST GAME!!! whoooohoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :3
colorguard practice today... it was kinda mellow because we just did tosses. wow when we were doing sabre mark said "someone's been practicing.. daphne looks good." (haha i haven't been practicing). oops but i kept dropping and i made MAJOR holes in the gym floor. no wonder they hate us... we do so much damage! and yeah.. it felt weird being up so early haha.. yes its early to me.. and i was late, too. heehee. then i tried to help jeanne with her quads.. and then melody with catching... but now jeanne's on flag line and she doesn't care. then all the weapons were like in two groups and meldoy and cindy were doing work so i went over to thu and then i tried doing flag work with connie's flag.. it felt so strange, like foreign. it was odd. so many memories of being a flag.. i like being a sabre though.. easier on the wrist... and it so satisfying when i catch it. i'm glad no one reads this.. its like a secret confession place.... boy is it cold. my fingers are geting cold. i still have everyone's cookie dough at my house... don't have a car to deliver it to people. driving test december 30! wish me luck! hahahha TR.. they kept saying TR on the ap us video.. haha teddy roosevelt. michelle was right.. in a way..hahhahaha.