jennifer, you BUTT! you still owe me jack. and go online so we can celebrate draco. :D
Saturday, March 22, 2003
you sexy beast! :)
ok this is soooooooo cute. :D :D!!! oops theres a problem. after you click it, you have to scroll down and click tom felton and then thats the picture. hes so cute i want to squeeze him until he explodes!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!! this is just funny. he looks so young! AHAHAHAHAAHAH.
AH COMPETITION TOMORROW!!!! RIVERSIDE!!! we did that jumping stuff in track today. somethingmetrics. p-somethingmetrics. pillametrics? ack nm. and then it was over early! yay! and then we all bought the 50 cent popsicles again. yay! but then i couldn't ask sheree or karin about sadies because they were at la mirada or something for pole vault. i went shopping today. yay. except i blew 50 bucks, man. thats because i got greedy and got two skirts. they're so cute! but then i can't find a time or place to wear them to... they're both short, one is black and looks mun-ish, and the other one is like felt-y gray. i also got this shirt and a halter. i couldn't find the homer head slippers for grace! damnit. oh yeah i was conducting an experiment today. with a survey. it kinda failed.
ok this is soooooooo cute. :D :D!!! oops theres a problem. after you click it, you have to scroll down and click tom felton and then thats the picture. hes so cute i want to squeeze him until he explodes!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!! this is just funny. he looks so young! AHAHAHAHAAHAH.
AH COMPETITION TOMORROW!!!! RIVERSIDE!!! we did that jumping stuff in track today. somethingmetrics. p-somethingmetrics. pillametrics? ack nm. and then it was over early! yay! and then we all bought the 50 cent popsicles again. yay! but then i couldn't ask sheree or karin about sadies because they were at la mirada or something for pole vault. i went shopping today. yay. except i blew 50 bucks, man. thats because i got greedy and got two skirts. they're so cute! but then i can't find a time or place to wear them to... they're both short, one is black and looks mun-ish, and the other one is like felt-y gray. i also got this shirt and a halter. i couldn't find the homer head slippers for grace! damnit. oh yeah i was conducting an experiment today. with a survey. it kinda failed.
Friday, March 21, 2003
oh yeah, i was going to say that everyone's E.Q. is so high. you make me feel lowly. haha. its hilarious... its so low!! shockingly low.
with the pressure i'm going to crack.. and then you'll know what my insides look like.
i haaaaaaaaaaaate spanish! *stabs zuloagforgetitiforgothowtospellhisname*
i haaaaaaaaaaaate spanish! *stabs zuloagforgetitiforgothowtospellhisname*
gah the song "beautiful" is stuck in my head after that guy in chem was singing it.
ohno ohno worst track meet ever!! i think. i got 2nd, 3rd, and i think 4th. man i sucked. it was my first time running varsity, and i'm a wimp, so i think bellflower trackers are scary. they're multiple, and loud, and scary. ,__, and i recognized A LOT of them from finals, was it? and from the other bellflower meets. belflower. bellflower. i can't spell. anyways, GRACE used to go there! she's a traitor!! AHAhAHahHAHAH. man i did so horrible. i wish i was in frosh/soph still. varsity is hard. i suck, man. oo at least i p.r.ed for the 100 HH. i got... 19.17 seconds. hm. thats the one i got 3rd in. then i got 2nd in the 300 LH. then i got 4th in long jump and it was so retarded. i only got TWO jumps in and then they closed the pit!! GAAAAH!!! the first one i got 12' 6.5", but then the second one i got my step all wrong, i dunno, it just went all crazy, and i jumped like a foot away from the board, and THEN when i landed i lost my balance and took a step back. DAMNIT! so i lost like 2 feet right there. *angry mutter* well that was very bad.. especially the 100 HH. man i did 5 steps. and i stutter-stepped. gosh. i wish i was better mentally prepared. then i could have thought about my trail leg and all that shit.. and leaning forward. it was messed up, though, because i couldn't get my step right in the very beginning - it was always off, no matter which foot i put first. grr. i am angry. grace did good for her first meet. she almost got 1st... but then angela beat her because grace just stopped before the line. retard! haha jk. pole vault is doing it tomorrow at la mirada or someplace. our pit is illegal, thats why. too small. karin's vaulting. GOOD LUCK KARIN! man she wasn't there to to the who's house? c house! how high? c high! thing. darn. it gave me luck last time. :)
lets evaluate the cg. i think the best rifle is michelle, and the best sabre is cheryl. or natalie. and then sometimes connie is better... anyways... and the best sabre doing swing flags in faimin. cool. my arms ache. stupid whatshername. she short and she always cleans us.. sorry i'm kinda braindead right now. oh yeah sorry leena i got the counts wrong. i was braindead then too. it felt weird. no wonder. i forgot to say. i am tired. did you read that article in the paper about coaches working their athletes too hard? *ahem* jk. anyways i don't want to tell him we can't make it to friday practice because we have a cg comp next week, upland. today when i said we had to leave and he asked why and i said cg practice and he said "don't give me that shit." stupid bastard. *stab* next time melody or grace better do it. cuz he's always getting mad at me, its not fair.
what was i going to say? oh yeah. BUSH IS A RETARD!! *angry stabbing*
ohno ohno worst track meet ever!! i think. i got 2nd, 3rd, and i think 4th. man i sucked. it was my first time running varsity, and i'm a wimp, so i think bellflower trackers are scary. they're multiple, and loud, and scary. ,__, and i recognized A LOT of them from finals, was it? and from the other bellflower meets. belflower. bellflower. i can't spell. anyways, GRACE used to go there! she's a traitor!! AHAhAHahHAHAH. man i did so horrible. i wish i was in frosh/soph still. varsity is hard. i suck, man. oo at least i p.r.ed for the 100 HH. i got... 19.17 seconds. hm. thats the one i got 3rd in. then i got 2nd in the 300 LH. then i got 4th in long jump and it was so retarded. i only got TWO jumps in and then they closed the pit!! GAAAAH!!! the first one i got 12' 6.5", but then the second one i got my step all wrong, i dunno, it just went all crazy, and i jumped like a foot away from the board, and THEN when i landed i lost my balance and took a step back. DAMNIT! so i lost like 2 feet right there. *angry mutter* well that was very bad.. especially the 100 HH. man i did 5 steps. and i stutter-stepped. gosh. i wish i was better mentally prepared. then i could have thought about my trail leg and all that shit.. and leaning forward. it was messed up, though, because i couldn't get my step right in the very beginning - it was always off, no matter which foot i put first. grr. i am angry. grace did good for her first meet. she almost got 1st... but then angela beat her because grace just stopped before the line. retard! haha jk. pole vault is doing it tomorrow at la mirada or someplace. our pit is illegal, thats why. too small. karin's vaulting. GOOD LUCK KARIN! man she wasn't there to to the who's house? c house! how high? c high! thing. darn. it gave me luck last time. :)
lets evaluate the cg. i think the best rifle is michelle, and the best sabre is cheryl. or natalie. and then sometimes connie is better... anyways... and the best sabre doing swing flags in faimin. cool. my arms ache. stupid whatshername. she short and she always cleans us.. sorry i'm kinda braindead right now. oh yeah sorry leena i got the counts wrong. i was braindead then too. it felt weird. no wonder. i forgot to say. i am tired. did you read that article in the paper about coaches working their athletes too hard? *ahem* jk. anyways i don't want to tell him we can't make it to friday practice because we have a cg comp next week, upland. today when i said we had to leave and he asked why and i said cg practice and he said "don't give me that shit." stupid bastard. *stab* next time melody or grace better do it. cuz he's always getting mad at me, its not fair.
what was i going to say? oh yeah. BUSH IS A RETARD!! *angry stabbing*
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
the tetzlaff colorguard is so cute. everything is mini stuff!!! :)
i am severely conflicted over classes to pick... i hope colorguard is 0 period... please please please please please please please please please please please please...
i am severely conflicted over classes to pick... i hope colorguard is 0 period... please please please please please please please please please please please please...
Monday, March 17, 2003
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm is scary!!
AL scen Hiwope: really:?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: aw man i should have showed you the convo but i deleted it
AL scen Hiwope: nooo!
AL scen Hiwope: what happened?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: lets see.. lemme recreated it
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i think i remember perfectly
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ok
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: is our new grades posted?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: YES!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: oh yea? how come you didn't correct me on my horrible grammar?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: because you already know.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: you're scary
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: excuse me!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: i mean, thank you
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: yes. welcome.
AL scen Hiwope: YIKES, does he know you are daphne?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: see, that's scary, huh!?!?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i don't think so
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: how would he know?
AL scen Hiwope: YIIIKES
AL scen Hiwope: you're so..
AL scen Hiwope: so questioning
AL scen Hiwope: him
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: only because i was sure he would never find out who i was
AL scen Hiwope: mr makelhany is SCARY of some sort
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: also i wanted to test if he would correct my grammar
AL scen Hiwope: he'll probably look on his rolesheet to see who is seto kaiba
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: because denise said "daphne and me" and he said "Daphne and I!", correcting her
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: why would it be in his role sheet?
AL scen Hiwope: maybe he thinks your daphne
AL scen Hiwope: oh yeah.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: he only knows our e-mails
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: thats scary
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i was thinking "no way he'll know its me" so
AL scen Hiwope: ok
AL scen Hiwope: what a..
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: mr makelhany = mr mac?
AL scen Hiwope: very different person
AL scen Hiwope: yeah
AL scen Hiwope: he is VERY enthusiastic
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i know
AL scen Hiwope: and stares at you so scarily
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i kept wondering if he was doing morphine
AL scen Hiwope: eww
AL scen Hiwope: his eyes WIDE
AL scen Hiwope: open
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: because his pupils seemed small, like pinpoints
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: and i read in a book and they found out from the pupils
AL scen Hiwope: very detailed observation, i see
AL scen Hiwope: really
AL scen Hiwope: sSCAry
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: and i keep staring into his eyes and its kinda hynotesing
AL scen Hiwope: sorry daphne, i need to visit the toilet then go SLEEP
AL scen Hiwope: sleep i mean
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: visit the toliet?!
AL scen Hiwope: yikes
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: gross
AL scen Hiwope: it is emergency visit.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: he's a druggie
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: hahah jk
AL scen Hiwope: i have an away message for it
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: wait
AL scen Hiwope: yuuuuuuuuuuck
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: my sister has
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: mozart's birthday
AL scen Hiwope: what is so strange with the history teachers
AL scen Hiwope: has
AL scen Hiwope: really?
AL scen Hiwope: who's mozart?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ooo mr heilie! he was fired
AL scen Hiwope: haha, just kidding
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: the pianist!!!!!!!!
AL scen Hiwope: his statue is in our house
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: wow
AL scen Hiwope: his head is i mean
AL scen Hiwope: uhoh
AL scen Hiwope: can't hold it in
AL scen Hiwope: yeah
AL scen Hiwope: i told melody
AL scen Hiwope: she told you
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: uh
AL scen Hiwope: you tell me
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go go
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go!!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go to the bathroom!!!!!!!
Auto response from AL scen Hiwope: I think I am pooping Or I think I am peeing Uh oh. I'm embarassed now. I meant I am using the toilet for purposes that will take only 5 minutes max, I hope. Sorry, mon.
gross, thu. and montarm is scary.
ok we went to tetzlaff today. it was EXTREMELY windy. oh gosh. and there were plenty of stupid middle school-ers. especially 7th graders. gross. we tried to recruit... there were actually some people interested... and we actually had flyers and stuff, unlike at the time at carmenita. ok more later.
AL scen Hiwope: really:?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: aw man i should have showed you the convo but i deleted it
AL scen Hiwope: nooo!
AL scen Hiwope: what happened?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: lets see.. lemme recreated it
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i think i remember perfectly
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ok
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: is our new grades posted?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: YES!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: oh yea? how come you didn't correct me on my horrible grammar?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: because you already know.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: you're scary
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: excuse me!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ilovesetokaiba: i mean, thank you
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: montarm: yes. welcome.
AL scen Hiwope: YIKES, does he know you are daphne?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: see, that's scary, huh!?!?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i don't think so
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: how would he know?
AL scen Hiwope: YIIIKES
AL scen Hiwope: you're so..
AL scen Hiwope: so questioning
AL scen Hiwope: him
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: only because i was sure he would never find out who i was
AL scen Hiwope: mr makelhany is SCARY of some sort
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: also i wanted to test if he would correct my grammar
AL scen Hiwope: he'll probably look on his rolesheet to see who is seto kaiba
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: because denise said "daphne and me" and he said "Daphne and I!", correcting her
AL scen Hiwope: hahahaha
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: why would it be in his role sheet?
AL scen Hiwope: maybe he thinks your daphne
AL scen Hiwope: oh yeah.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: he only knows our e-mails
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: thats scary
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i was thinking "no way he'll know its me" so
AL scen Hiwope: ok
AL scen Hiwope: what a..
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: mr makelhany = mr mac?
AL scen Hiwope: very different person
AL scen Hiwope: yeah
AL scen Hiwope: he is VERY enthusiastic
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i know
AL scen Hiwope: and stares at you so scarily
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: i kept wondering if he was doing morphine
AL scen Hiwope: eww
AL scen Hiwope: his eyes WIDE
AL scen Hiwope: open
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: because his pupils seemed small, like pinpoints
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: and i read in a book and they found out from the pupils
AL scen Hiwope: very detailed observation, i see
AL scen Hiwope: really
AL scen Hiwope: sSCAry
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: and i keep staring into his eyes and its kinda hynotesing
AL scen Hiwope: sorry daphne, i need to visit the toilet then go SLEEP
AL scen Hiwope: sleep i mean
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: visit the toliet?!
AL scen Hiwope: yikes
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: gross
AL scen Hiwope: it is emergency visit.
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: he's a druggie
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: hahah jk
AL scen Hiwope: i have an away message for it
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: wait
AL scen Hiwope: yuuuuuuuuuuck
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: my sister has
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: mozart's birthday
AL scen Hiwope: what is so strange with the history teachers
AL scen Hiwope: has
AL scen Hiwope: really?
AL scen Hiwope: who's mozart?
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: ooo mr heilie! he was fired
AL scen Hiwope: haha, just kidding
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: the pianist!!!!!!!!
AL scen Hiwope: his statue is in our house
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: wow
AL scen Hiwope: his head is i mean
AL scen Hiwope: uhoh
AL scen Hiwope: can't hold it in
AL scen Hiwope: yeah
AL scen Hiwope: i told melody
AL scen Hiwope: she told you
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: uh
AL scen Hiwope: you tell me
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go go
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go!!
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: go to the bathroom!!!!!!!
Auto response from AL scen Hiwope: I think I am pooping Or I think I am peeing Uh oh. I'm embarassed now. I meant I am using the toilet for purposes that will take only 5 minutes max, I hope. Sorry, mon.
gross, thu. and montarm is scary.
ok we went to tetzlaff today. it was EXTREMELY windy. oh gosh. and there were plenty of stupid middle school-ers. especially 7th graders. gross. we tried to recruit... there were actually some people interested... and we actually had flyers and stuff, unlike at the time at carmenita. ok more later.
(200 is the highest score and 100 is average)
200 -- Highest Score
100 -- Average
0 -- Best to try again another time
Knowing your feelings and using them to make life decisions you can live with.
Being able to manage your emotional life without being hijacked by it -- not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.
Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue your goals.
Empathy -- reading other people's emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.
Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony -- being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.
There's a discussion in Café Utne's BodyMind conference, topic #4.
CAFE UTNE carries on the "saloning" tradition. It's a fun, relaxing harassment-free community where ideas & issues are discussed in a thoughtful and respectful manner! NO fees for participation or joining.
The Café is the most active online community in North America (twice as active as runner up Salon1999) according to Forum One, the leading Web forum search engine 9/98.
If you have not registered for Café Utne, see for information.
1. Anything but D -- that answer reflects a lack of awareness of your habitual responses under stress. A=20, B=20, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card.
2. B is best. Emotionally intelligent parents use their children's moments of upsets as opportunities to act as emotional coaches, helping their children understand what made them upset, what they are feeling, and alternatives the child can try. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose d. Try to distract the crying girl by showing her some other things she could play with.
3. A. One mark of self-motivation is being able to formulate a plan for overcoming obstacles and frustrations and follow through on it. A=20, B=0, C=0, D=0.
You chose a. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade and resolve to follow through on your plans.
4. C. Optimism, a mark of emotional intelligence, leads people to see setbacks as challenges they can learn from, and to persist, trying out new approaches rather than giving up, blaming themselves, or getting demoralized. A=0, B=0, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Assess qualities in yourself that may be undermining your ability to make a sale.
5. C. The most effective way to create an atmosphere that welcomes diversity is to make clear in public that the social norms of your organization do not tolerate such expressions. Instead of trying to change prejudices (a much harder task), keep people from acting on them. A=0, B=0, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Call the person into your office for a reprimand.
6. D. Data on rage and how to calm it show the effectiveness of distracting the angry person from the focus of his rage, empathizing with his feelings and perspective, and suggesting a less anger-provoking way of seeing the situation. A=0, B=5, C=5, D=20.
You chose c. Join him in putting down the other driver, as a show of rapport.
7. A. Take a break of 20 minutes or more. It takes at least that long to clear the body of the physiological arousal of anger -- which distorts your perception and makes you more likely to launch damaging personal attacks. After cooling down you'll be more likely to have a fruitful discussion. A=20, B=0, C=0, D=0.
You chose b. Just stop the argument -- go silent, no matter what your partner says.
8. B. Creative groups work at their peak when rapport, harmony, and comfort levels are highest -- then people are freer to make their best contribution. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose c. Begin by asking each person for ideas about how to solve the problem, while the ideas are fresh.
9. D. Children born with a timid temperament can often become more outgoing if their parents arrange an ongoing series of manageable challenges to their shyness. A=0, B=5, C=0, D=20.
You chose d. Engineer an ongoing series of challenging but manageable experiences that will teach him he can handle new people and places.
10. B. By giving yourself moderate challenges, you are most likely to get into the state of flow, which is both pleasurable and where people learn and perform at their best. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose d. Pick pieces that are far beyond your ability, but that you can master with diligent effort.
i hate this stupid e.q. site. it made me angry. snarl. and its not e.i.q. its e.q.!!! E.Q.!!!!!!!!!!! i am right! snarl. stupid people. look at the last question. the farther the goal, the better!!! SNARL. i can play the stupid hard piece!!! what are they saying, my ability is limited so only pick a moderate goal!?!? i am angry!!! the angry replaced the tired-ness from track. thank god there's no practice for cg. or else i would be very tired. take the test and scoff at its... stupidity. I.Q. is better than E.Q.!! don't listen to them!!! *hysterical sceam* mygod my e.q. really is low.. at least its not as low as my sister's... 20. haha thats like the danger zone. at least she didn't get zero. man i got like 32.5%!! gah. look around the site. somewhere it says something about low e.q. but high i.q. people having "bland personalities." pfff. i have rage. you know what would be funny? if i had both low i.q. and low e.q.. but that's not funny, that's sad. :( oh i got this from my sister, who's friend takes ap psychology. cool, psychology.
(200 is the highest score and 100 is average)
200 -- Highest Score
100 -- Average
0 -- Best to try again another time
Knowing your feelings and using them to make life decisions you can live with.
Being able to manage your emotional life without being hijacked by it -- not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.
Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue your goals.
Empathy -- reading other people's emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.
Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony -- being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.
There's a discussion in Café Utne's BodyMind conference, topic #4.
CAFE UTNE carries on the "saloning" tradition. It's a fun, relaxing harassment-free community where ideas & issues are discussed in a thoughtful and respectful manner! NO fees for participation or joining.
The Café is the most active online community in North America (twice as active as runner up Salon1999) according to Forum One, the leading Web forum search engine 9/98.
If you have not registered for Café Utne, see for information.
1. Anything but D -- that answer reflects a lack of awareness of your habitual responses under stress. A=20, B=20, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card.
2. B is best. Emotionally intelligent parents use their children's moments of upsets as opportunities to act as emotional coaches, helping their children understand what made them upset, what they are feeling, and alternatives the child can try. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose d. Try to distract the crying girl by showing her some other things she could play with.
3. A. One mark of self-motivation is being able to formulate a plan for overcoming obstacles and frustrations and follow through on it. A=20, B=0, C=0, D=0.
You chose a. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade and resolve to follow through on your plans.
4. C. Optimism, a mark of emotional intelligence, leads people to see setbacks as challenges they can learn from, and to persist, trying out new approaches rather than giving up, blaming themselves, or getting demoralized. A=0, B=0, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Assess qualities in yourself that may be undermining your ability to make a sale.
5. C. The most effective way to create an atmosphere that welcomes diversity is to make clear in public that the social norms of your organization do not tolerate such expressions. Instead of trying to change prejudices (a much harder task), keep people from acting on them. A=0, B=0, C=20, D=0.
You chose b. Call the person into your office for a reprimand.
6. D. Data on rage and how to calm it show the effectiveness of distracting the angry person from the focus of his rage, empathizing with his feelings and perspective, and suggesting a less anger-provoking way of seeing the situation. A=0, B=5, C=5, D=20.
You chose c. Join him in putting down the other driver, as a show of rapport.
7. A. Take a break of 20 minutes or more. It takes at least that long to clear the body of the physiological arousal of anger -- which distorts your perception and makes you more likely to launch damaging personal attacks. After cooling down you'll be more likely to have a fruitful discussion. A=20, B=0, C=0, D=0.
You chose b. Just stop the argument -- go silent, no matter what your partner says.
8. B. Creative groups work at their peak when rapport, harmony, and comfort levels are highest -- then people are freer to make their best contribution. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose c. Begin by asking each person for ideas about how to solve the problem, while the ideas are fresh.
9. D. Children born with a timid temperament can often become more outgoing if their parents arrange an ongoing series of manageable challenges to their shyness. A=0, B=5, C=0, D=20.
You chose d. Engineer an ongoing series of challenging but manageable experiences that will teach him he can handle new people and places.
10. B. By giving yourself moderate challenges, you are most likely to get into the state of flow, which is both pleasurable and where people learn and perform at their best. A=0, B=20, C=0, D=0.
You chose d. Pick pieces that are far beyond your ability, but that you can master with diligent effort.
i hate this stupid e.q. site. it made me angry. snarl. and its not e.i.q. its e.q.!!! E.Q.!!!!!!!!!!! i am right! snarl. stupid people. look at the last question. the farther the goal, the better!!! SNARL. i can play the stupid hard piece!!! what are they saying, my ability is limited so only pick a moderate goal!?!? i am angry!!! the angry replaced the tired-ness from track. thank god there's no practice for cg. or else i would be very tired. take the test and scoff at its... stupidity. I.Q. is better than E.Q.!! don't listen to them!!! *hysterical sceam* mygod my e.q. really is low.. at least its not as low as my sister's... 20. haha thats like the danger zone. at least she didn't get zero. man i got like 32.5%!! gah. look around the site. somewhere it says something about low e.q. but high i.q. people having "bland personalities." pfff. i have rage. you know what would be funny? if i had both low i.q. and low e.q.. but that's not funny, that's sad. :( oh i got this from my sister, who's friend takes ap psychology. cool, psychology.
this is so cool. food, man.
Sunday, March 16, 2003
ok i wrote all of the following yesterday, but i was using my sister's computer and it has retarded internet. so here's yesterday:
yay i can finally blog on the same day as a competition!!! YAH BABY. well, its not actually the same day... because its past midnight. mmman we got 5th!! i can't believe it.. what happened?!? actually, we didn't do badly... we did get a higher score than last time. we improved by like 3.2 points. we got 73.3 this time, i think. we got 3rd in equipment, 4th in g.e.... i can't remember the rest. oh well. man i hate rain. i don't know how i used to like it. i mean, everything just gets so freaking WET! gosh... i know i complain a lot.. but i hate everything getting all wet!! *whines* ugh its just not comfortable. we got lost on the way there because michelle's mom couldn't see the freeway signs.. it was so very foggy. and rainy. and very misty all around. its the ides of march. except the storm was on the wrong day... and the weird stuff happened on the wrong day. oh well. i can't believe that grace was born on such a day. tsk tsk. ohman i messed up on the swing flag part. ><;; because we didn't get to practice the whole new part at all today, lotsa people forgot to do it and we were..kinda.. confused. haha we did the padashaw the opposite way... (man i don't know how to spell a lot of these terms) and then.. oh gosh this is stupid... i didn't even do the ending pose. ohmy... i just want to slap myself or mayby punch my head. why wasn't i thinking?!? it was all nice up until that part. darn. at least i didn't slip like some people. (ahem, ingrid! haha) it was so gross before because everything was wet wet WET!!! and then when we took off our shoes.. well, it was very cold. *shiver* even the memory makes me cold! we had to huddle for warmth. like those dumb bison who freeze to death every winter. 0__0. well it worked for us. a little. man today was fun nevertheless. competition days are always fun. :D next time i wanna go up for awards.. because i haven't yet. oh what fun. the track meet was cancelled, i'm pretty sure. it rained.. and then it kept raining.. and then it rained a little harder... and then it kinda started to stop.. and then it didn't and kept raining. then it rained harder. then it rained hard. then it rained more! and more... lets see.. what else is there to write about? its grace's birthday today. i must get her a present.. i didn't have much time.. oh yeah thats when i realized i'm horribly self-centered... when i realized i didn't get grace a present. gosh i'm so... horrible. :( dirty bum! haha. my neck hurt the whole day. i think thats a fair amount of punishment. really, i had some pain there. and the scarf didn't help. even rolled up! i hope i didn't lose my hairspray.. please let grace have it.. because i don't.. damn and its new! i lost the last one, and i just bought that one! and its pantene pro-V, which everyone said is expensive. (even though i don't exactly remember the price.) i used a lot today though.. if i didn't let everyone use my things maybe they would last longer.. but then what kind of person would i be? haah today this post is all random ramblings. ;) sorry folks. haha jk.

congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
my sister. aren't you proud? i mean, i am. i mean, i'm not..
well i can't think of anything else to write about because the whole day was cg.. i did catch a bit of yu-gi-oh, i'm ashamed to say. my brother was actually watching it in the morning and when i went online in the other computer in his room, i watched a bit. ooo you know i'm on my sister's computer right now. it has internet!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!
we spent an awful lot of time reminiscing today.... talkin' about leal and all those fat kids. i remember because we started when cheryl asked if we we did controversial essay yet, and we said yes, and she said i mean for i-search, and i said i was going to do it on whether or not to perform surgery on fat kids, and after a while i said they don't get enough p.e. in elementary school and then we started... oh, those good ol' days! haha. that's what old men say when they can't remember anything bad in the past anymore. jk. actually, it should be "ah, those good old days!" huh? sounds more authentic that way. mahhh lets see, what else can i write about? i want to write more because i don't want to go to sleep. i still feel like i need to cry. because its cooped up in me, so i need to let it out. i was thinking "i wish someone would die so i could cry" but thats SO HORRIBLE to think so i quicked regretted it... of course i don't mean it. i like that watch. "are we there yet? no. are we there yet? no!" hahah. my brother has a watch like that, but his says "mmmm, burgers." its the exact same kind. i can't help thinking of my hairspray still. when it's already happened to you once, you learn to be wary. like i am loaded with band-aids now... from that one day when i couldn't get one. i just remembered the lightning and thunder today. it was cool. and it was only like 2 miles away because it was only like 2 seconds between. WOW. :) i like this song. move on ooo i already said that... i must go to the library and get some more mystery books... mystery books are the best! well, agatha christie. the poirot ones. ah, hastings. >)
Ask any of the chikies in my pen
They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother
I love them all and all of them love me
Because the system works
The system called reciprocity!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!!! *waves banners*
yay i can finally blog on the same day as a competition!!! YAH BABY. well, its not actually the same day... because its past midnight. mmman we got 5th!! i can't believe it.. what happened?!? actually, we didn't do badly... we did get a higher score than last time. we improved by like 3.2 points. we got 73.3 this time, i think. we got 3rd in equipment, 4th in g.e.... i can't remember the rest. oh well. man i hate rain. i don't know how i used to like it. i mean, everything just gets so freaking WET! gosh... i know i complain a lot.. but i hate everything getting all wet!! *whines* ugh its just not comfortable. we got lost on the way there because michelle's mom couldn't see the freeway signs.. it was so very foggy. and rainy. and very misty all around. its the ides of march. except the storm was on the wrong day... and the weird stuff happened on the wrong day. oh well. i can't believe that grace was born on such a day. tsk tsk. ohman i messed up on the swing flag part. ><;; because we didn't get to practice the whole new part at all today, lotsa people forgot to do it and we were..kinda.. confused. haha we did the padashaw the opposite way... (man i don't know how to spell a lot of these terms) and then.. oh gosh this is stupid... i didn't even do the ending pose. ohmy... i just want to slap myself or mayby punch my head. why wasn't i thinking?!? it was all nice up until that part. darn. at least i didn't slip like some people. (ahem, ingrid! haha) it was so gross before because everything was wet wet WET!!! and then when we took off our shoes.. well, it was very cold. *shiver* even the memory makes me cold! we had to huddle for warmth. like those dumb bison who freeze to death every winter. 0__0. well it worked for us. a little. man today was fun nevertheless. competition days are always fun. :D next time i wanna go up for awards.. because i haven't yet. oh what fun. the track meet was cancelled, i'm pretty sure. it rained.. and then it kept raining.. and then it rained a little harder... and then it kinda started to stop.. and then it didn't and kept raining. then it rained harder. then it rained hard. then it rained more! and more... lets see.. what else is there to write about? its grace's birthday today. i must get her a present.. i didn't have much time.. oh yeah thats when i realized i'm horribly self-centered... when i realized i didn't get grace a present. gosh i'm so... horrible. :( dirty bum! haha. my neck hurt the whole day. i think thats a fair amount of punishment. really, i had some pain there. and the scarf didn't help. even rolled up! i hope i didn't lose my hairspray.. please let grace have it.. because i don't.. damn and its new! i lost the last one, and i just bought that one! and its pantene pro-V, which everyone said is expensive. (even though i don't exactly remember the price.) i used a lot today though.. if i didn't let everyone use my things maybe they would last longer.. but then what kind of person would i be? haah today this post is all random ramblings. ;) sorry folks. haha jk.

congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
my sister. aren't you proud? i mean, i am. i mean, i'm not..
well i can't think of anything else to write about because the whole day was cg.. i did catch a bit of yu-gi-oh, i'm ashamed to say. my brother was actually watching it in the morning and when i went online in the other computer in his room, i watched a bit. ooo you know i'm on my sister's computer right now. it has internet!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!
we spent an awful lot of time reminiscing today.... talkin' about leal and all those fat kids. i remember because we started when cheryl asked if we we did controversial essay yet, and we said yes, and she said i mean for i-search, and i said i was going to do it on whether or not to perform surgery on fat kids, and after a while i said they don't get enough p.e. in elementary school and then we started... oh, those good ol' days! haha. that's what old men say when they can't remember anything bad in the past anymore. jk. actually, it should be "ah, those good old days!" huh? sounds more authentic that way. mahhh lets see, what else can i write about? i want to write more because i don't want to go to sleep. i still feel like i need to cry. because its cooped up in me, so i need to let it out. i was thinking "i wish someone would die so i could cry" but thats SO HORRIBLE to think so i quicked regretted it... of course i don't mean it. i like that watch. "are we there yet? no. are we there yet? no!" hahah. my brother has a watch like that, but his says "mmmm, burgers." its the exact same kind. i can't help thinking of my hairspray still. when it's already happened to you once, you learn to be wary. like i am loaded with band-aids now... from that one day when i couldn't get one. i just remembered the lightning and thunder today. it was cool. and it was only like 2 miles away because it was only like 2 seconds between. WOW. :) i like this song. move on ooo i already said that... i must go to the library and get some more mystery books... mystery books are the best! well, agatha christie. the poirot ones. ah, hastings. >)
Ask any of the chikies in my pen
They'll tell you I'm the biggest mother
I love them all and all of them love me
Because the system works
The system called reciprocity!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACE!!! *waves banners*