I AM NOT!!!!! A CD RUINER!!!!! >F
Saturday, September 07, 2002
hmm it doesn't feel like saturday. and my teeth hurt. i have to have rubber bands again. now they're in the shape of triangles. i hate having no money. especially if someone drags you to the mall when you have no money. and when they have lotsa money, to spend and spend. T__T just thinking about biting into an apple makes my teeth hurt. i saw michelle at the mall. at least it wasn't michelle lee, who i saw twice already. ow ow ow my teeth. i want a job. so i can get money. or someone rich to pay for all my purchases. OH! i saw this LOTR calender (daily!) at the mall today, and i want it a lot!!!!! someone buy it for meeeeeeeee!!!!! $12.99.. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D please? heehee
I AM NOT!!!!! A CD RUINER!!!!! >F
I AM NOT!!!!! A CD RUINER!!!!! >F
Friday, September 06, 2002
OMG i finished x.. it's so SAD!!!!!! *wails* ka...KAMUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much pain!!!!! so sad!!!!! i cried so much and my eyes were so puffy from it the next day. SORATA!!!!!!!!!! *cries* KAMUI!!!!!!!! *cries* i.. i thought subaru died!!!! *screams* hinoto, karen, yuto, tokiko, kotori, kyougo, saya, nataku, daisuke, seishiro, tooru, satsuki. so many people died!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!! KAMUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! SORATAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* i hate fuma. FUUUUUUUMA!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIIIIIIE!!! that bitch was too happy in the end. *cries* haha hes a loner. i HATE HIM!!!! >F poor kamui. poor arashi. poor aoki. poor nataku... >( stupid fuma!!! i HATE HIM. >F he doesn't deserve to be on my list. hmph.
wow. this is scary. but not as scary as resident evil. i hate that guy who borrows x. >F MAN!!!!!
oh yea, we need a mousepad. oh yay, no practice tomorrow!!! but then i have a dentist appointment. -__-;;; arg i don't feel like ever waking up again. except for gackt. GACKT. mmm i feel like i'm forgetting something. i hate school. and i still have to buy all that stuff for my classes, and yeah. i need to buy some blank cds. unless someone wants to give them to me. :D or would buy them and then burn the cds for me. :D :D :D. heh heh. please? haha.i hate those saturn commercials where those people are standing by a car and think things. its SO retarded. the only thing more retarded is that commercial for cologate 2-in-1 toothpaste+mouthwash, where the people are slashing blue+white things on ice and then makeout nastily. ew.
wow. this is scary. but not as scary as resident evil. i hate that guy who borrows x. >F MAN!!!!!
oh yea, we need a mousepad. oh yay, no practice tomorrow!!! but then i have a dentist appointment. -__-;;; arg i don't feel like ever waking up again. except for gackt. GACKT. mmm i feel like i'm forgetting something. i hate school. and i still have to buy all that stuff for my classes, and yeah. i need to buy some blank cds. unless someone wants to give them to me. :D or would buy them and then burn the cds for me. :D :D :D. heh heh. please? haha.i hate those saturn commercials where those people are standing by a car and think things. its SO retarded. the only thing more retarded is that commercial for cologate 2-in-1 toothpaste+mouthwash, where the people are slashing blue+white things on ice and then makeout nastily. ew.
Thursday, September 05, 2002
101) FRESHMEN my hate for them goes beyond words or faces
102) the looks on freshmens' faces, grrrr
103) being asked, "how was your first day of school?" by cheerful people. HORRIBLE
104) waiting for the band doors to open at the end of the day
105) band people playing loudly whilst we are tired and waiting >_<;;; SHUT UP!!!!!!!
106) being hot
107) being thirsty and hot at the same time
108) the WIND -_- GO AWAY!!!! *shakes fist*
109) my cheap, broken, falling-apart headphones
110) being restrained from watching x
the last is the worst. also 101. >F theres no stopping this list. i tried, i really did. i've created a monster. also, i don't think its a good idea when i have to be the one to teach people. ><;;;
it wasn't episode 21. BOOOOO
102) the looks on freshmens' faces, grrrr
103) being asked, "how was your first day of school?" by cheerful people. HORRIBLE
104) waiting for the band doors to open at the end of the day
105) band people playing loudly whilst we are tired and waiting >_<;;; SHUT UP!!!!!!!
106) being hot
107) being thirsty and hot at the same time
108) the WIND -_- GO AWAY!!!! *shakes fist*
109) my cheap, broken, falling-apart headphones
110) being restrained from watching x
the last is the worst. also 101. >F theres no stopping this list. i tried, i really did. i've created a monster. also, i don't think its a good idea when i have to be the one to teach people. ><;;;
it wasn't episode 21. BOOOOO
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
97) the braces wire poking your gums
98) abraham lincoln (HAHA!)
99) missing x
100) my backyard (backyard= full of bugs)
i have to finish this damn list, i hate it!!
86) playing perfect dark and slaughtering the meat sims, hah
87) crossbow, instant kill
88) my starwars ACTION FIGURES, or dolls :D
89) that picture of masa + gackt stretching together *__*
90) watching the U+K dance ^__^
91) leaving MUN, meaning leaving all the torturous research MUAHAHAHAHA!!
92) air conditioner
93) sticking your head out of the window while driving in the freeway :D
94) listening to that song from x (its so sad! *sniff*)
95) harry potter!!! ^__^
96) going to the airport
97) flying in the airplane
98) being knives
99) making someone else pay for something i want :D
100) GACKT-SAN *__*
there. i wanted to just finish the list, and it was very hard to finish the likes one. *__* ...gackt. I LOVE YOU, GACKT!!!!!!!!! *sigh* i want to marry him... XDDD
98) abraham lincoln (HAHA!)
99) missing x
100) my backyard (backyard= full of bugs)
i have to finish this damn list, i hate it!!
86) playing perfect dark and slaughtering the meat sims, hah
87) crossbow, instant kill
88) my starwars ACTION FIGURES, or dolls :D
89) that picture of masa + gackt stretching together *__*
90) watching the U+K dance ^__^
91) leaving MUN, meaning leaving all the torturous research MUAHAHAHAHA!!
92) air conditioner
93) sticking your head out of the window while driving in the freeway :D
94) listening to that song from x (its so sad! *sniff*)
95) harry potter!!! ^__^
96) going to the airport
97) flying in the airplane
98) being knives
99) making someone else pay for something i want :D
100) GACKT-SAN *__*
there. i wanted to just finish the list, and it was very hard to finish the likes one. *__* ...gackt. I LOVE YOU, GACKT!!!!!!!!! *sigh* i want to marry him... XDDD
the best song :D its from x, and its so sad!!! *sniff*
tomorrow= school TT___TT + x :D :D :D :D :D
i am conflicted.... o__O;;; ah who cares about school!??!? X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so... close!!!!!!! *screams*
i am conflicted.... o__O;;; ah who cares about school!??!? X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so... close!!!!!!! *screams*
i would have a people i hate list too, but that would be too mean. :D
93) having practice the day before school starts >D
94) the mouse when it sticks
95) forgetting what you were about to say and NEVER remembering it!!!
96) deja vo's that last too long and that i can't snap out of and are stupid
84) gnashing my teeth or at least that phrase >D
85) remembering what you forgot to say (wheeeeee! i love that!!!)
alright, i think that should be enough for today. i think i should stop at 100. this list is getting annoying, but i can't just stop at weird numbers when its all uneven! i cleaned up my desk yesterday/today. stayed up until 4 because i felt like it. arg an hour until practice. and then the next day is school. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! at least we didn't get a summer assignment for ap euro. XD whoooooo. oh yeah, another one of my words is "alright" and also oops i forgot it. oh yeah! its "rather" yay!!!! number 85, whoooo
93) having practice the day before school starts >D
94) the mouse when it sticks
95) forgetting what you were about to say and NEVER remembering it!!!
96) deja vo's that last too long and that i can't snap out of and are stupid
84) gnashing my teeth or at least that phrase >D
85) remembering what you forgot to say (wheeeeee! i love that!!!)
alright, i think that should be enough for today. i think i should stop at 100. this list is getting annoying, but i can't just stop at weird numbers when its all uneven! i cleaned up my desk yesterday/today. stayed up until 4 because i felt like it. arg an hour until practice. and then the next day is school. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! at least we didn't get a summer assignment for ap euro. XD whoooooo. oh yeah, another one of my words is "alright" and also oops i forgot it. oh yeah! its "rather" yay!!!! number 85, whoooo
79) vanilla hair :D :D :D
80) anything vanilla :D
81) vanilla pv :D :D :D :D
82) going online too much, haha
83) feeding the venus fly traps flies that i killed MUAHAHAHAHHAHA
80) anything vanilla :D
81) vanilla pv :D :D :D :D
82) going online too much, haha
83) feeding the venus fly traps flies that i killed MUAHAHAHAHHAHA
more LIKE/LOVE s:
59) gackt's sexy voice (but of course!!!!!!!)
60) those baby venus fly traps we just got (aww, so cute! XD)
61) playing with fire
62) playing with matches
63) burning things
64) mizerable live
65) those dust tonado things that are fun to step on
66) post-its
67) presents :D
68) complaining :D
69) my bookmark :D :D :D :D
70) screaming
71) sleeping for more than 14 hours.. ahhhh
72) kicking jeffrey off the computer so i can hog it
73) fly swatters because you can kill flies with them
74) laughing
76) saying LOL loudly when talking normally to scare my sister
77) other people complaining so i can join in
78) my words (whilst, gackt, yes'm)
even more DISLIKE/HATE s:
53) spilling something on a book, especially a new one
54) flossing with braces
55) braces
56) summer school
57) dog hair
58) dogs that sheds a lot of hair
59) glasses
60) contacts
61) nails that keep chipping
62) people who confuse me then say nm (what was it!?!?!)
63) people who interrupt when you talk so that you type it in the wrong window
64) didi, HA! (hahaha)
65) watching that rerun of oprah when they're talking about organizing and etc
66) waiting to use the computer >F
67) people who interrupt my GACKT-WATCHING!!!!!! >F >F
68) birds
69) that bird that pooped on me >F
70) getting 2nd place
71) losing by one inch (ONE!!!)
72) losing
73) getting 2nd because of one inch
74) myself that day for putting down my feet too damn early >D
75) children
76) kids
77) babies
78) crying babies
79) bitchy cats
80) when your pen runs out of ink
81) dust
82) dust in your eyes
83) people who point and say i'm too skinny
84) when my eyes are dry
85) homework -__-;;;;
86) people who say, "who doesn't?" when i say i hate bugs
87) taking out the trash
88) answering the phone when i'm listening to music
89) the first day of school
90) when the computer is slow
91) this list
92) stupid grammatical errors (stupid!)
59) gackt's sexy voice (but of course!!!!!!!)
60) those baby venus fly traps we just got (aww, so cute! XD)
61) playing with fire
62) playing with matches
63) burning things
64) mizerable live
65) those dust tonado things that are fun to step on
66) post-its
67) presents :D
68) complaining :D
69) my bookmark :D :D :D :D
70) screaming
71) sleeping for more than 14 hours.. ahhhh
72) kicking jeffrey off the computer so i can hog it
73) fly swatters because you can kill flies with them
74) laughing
76) saying LOL loudly when talking normally to scare my sister
77) other people complaining so i can join in
78) my words (whilst, gackt, yes'm)
even more DISLIKE/HATE s:
53) spilling something on a book, especially a new one
54) flossing with braces
55) braces
56) summer school
57) dog hair
58) dogs that sheds a lot of hair
59) glasses
60) contacts
61) nails that keep chipping
62) people who confuse me then say nm (what was it!?!?!)
63) people who interrupt when you talk so that you type it in the wrong window
64) didi, HA! (hahaha)
65) watching that rerun of oprah when they're talking about organizing and etc
66) waiting to use the computer >F
67) people who interrupt my GACKT-WATCHING!!!!!! >F >F
68) birds
69) that bird that pooped on me >F
70) getting 2nd place
71) losing by one inch (ONE!!!)
72) losing
73) getting 2nd because of one inch
74) myself that day for putting down my feet too damn early >D
75) children
76) kids
77) babies
78) crying babies
79) bitchy cats
80) when your pen runs out of ink
81) dust
82) dust in your eyes
83) people who point and say i'm too skinny
84) when my eyes are dry
85) homework -__-;;;;
86) people who say, "who doesn't?" when i say i hate bugs
87) taking out the trash
88) answering the phone when i'm listening to music
89) the first day of school
90) when the computer is slow
91) this list
92) stupid grammatical errors (stupid!)
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
57) the mountain dew commerical with the car and the spilling over the teeth and lips :D
58) those pants with the buttons down the sides so you can rip them off :D :D :D :D
58) those pants with the buttons down the sides so you can rip them off :D :D :D :D
54) people who listen to me
55) laughing loudly and evilly
thats for LIKE/LOVE
51) people who shake their heads online
52) sick people, aka friends of headshakers
55) laughing loudly and evilly
thats for LIKE/LOVE
51) people who shake their heads online
52) sick people, aka friends of headshakers
what do i mean, LIKE/LOVE is harder!?!?!?!? *stupid*
53) when gackt opens his mouth :D :D :D :D :D :D
53) when gackt opens his mouth :D :D :D :D :D :D
this guy is cool.

I may not be your typical bishounen and I may
not be rolling in fangirls like some but I am
definitely the coolest character. Worship me.
also, for LIKE/LOVE, 52) bishounen :D

I may not be your typical bishounen and I may
not be rolling in fangirls like some but I am
definitely the coolest character. Worship me.
Take the Trigun personality quizlet
also, for LIKE/LOVE, 52) bishounen :D
i was bored so i made a list of things i like and dislike.
01) people who breathe loudly
02) listening to people breathing loudly >F
03) hearing people eat nastily
04) annoying people
05) people who just won't shut up
06) liars
07) animals that dislike me first
08) people who keep x too long
09) people who cancel downloads on you
10) a jealous AIM
11) people who try to deprive me of gackt
12) BUGS >F
13) flies.. i HATE THEM!!!
14) imaginary flies
15) soggy sandwiches
16) cindy's sunblock
17) ASB people >F
18) school
19) band camp
20) running out of money :(
21) band people!!! >F
22) mr trost
23) being so dark
24) tan lines
25) drill
26) bug bites
28) people who are wrong but think they're right
29) people who think they know me but don't
30) pop-up ads
31) having no ice
32) someone sits on my clean bed >F
33) people who touch my stuff
34) people who tell
35) teachers
36) spanish
38) having to take spanish
39) spiders
40) weird bugs that you have never seen before but creep you out and then disappear before you can kill *shudder*
41) people that think i'm not weird (i am, I AM!!!!! *stomps*)
42) mushrooms that smell
43) carrots...
44) peeling billions of carrots.......
45) relatives that talk loudly
46) people using my cup
47) people who use the computer too much, thus slowing it immensly
48) making spelling errors because i can't spell o__O
49) spider-man
50) people who make fun of gackt!!! >F I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!
now, things i LIKE/LOVE...
01) gackt
02) GACKT!!!!!!!
03) looking at gackt
04) watching gackt
05) masa + you
06) ren :D
07) gackt+you+masa :D
08) that smutty fanfic with gacktxblender :D :D :D :D :D
09) kamui!!!!
10) sexy x characters
11) x
12) watching x
13) hoggin the computer :D :D :D
14) waking up late
15) NO SCHOOL!!!
16) playing with cheryl's/michelle's/victoria's rifle
17) my new flag bag
18) free stuff
19) borrowing things from denise
20) stealing michelle's word :D
21) kidnapping lil kids :D
22) dreaming of kidnapping lil kids :D :D
23) music
24) bz
25) ayumi
26) being obsessed over a fictional character
27) legolas :D :D :D :D :D :D
28) vanilla :D :D :D :D :D
29) vanilla live :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
30) taking those quizzes that waste your time
32) watching LOTR at 2:00 every day
33) eating :D
34) sleeping, whooooo
35) getting people to do things for you
36) water breaks during drill... ahhhhh
37) 4.0 (which i NEVER got this year!!! >F)
38) being first!! :D :D :D :D :D
39) winning, HA!
40) summer vacation
41) swimming at night
42) ishmaelxqueequeg :D :D
43) subaruxseishirou oh yeah! :D :D :D :D :D :D
44) sorata... YES
46) nataku :3
47) when my hair reeks of heineken
48) a new clean bed
49) gackt's music
50) anything gackt
alright, the likes was MUCH harder than dislikes... for some unknown reason...
01) people who breathe loudly
02) listening to people breathing loudly >F
03) hearing people eat nastily
04) annoying people
05) people who just won't shut up
06) liars
07) animals that dislike me first
08) people who keep x too long
09) people who cancel downloads on you
10) a jealous AIM
11) people who try to deprive me of gackt
12) BUGS >F
13) flies.. i HATE THEM!!!
14) imaginary flies
15) soggy sandwiches
16) cindy's sunblock
17) ASB people >F
18) school
19) band camp
20) running out of money :(
21) band people!!! >F
22) mr trost
23) being so dark
24) tan lines
25) drill
26) bug bites
28) people who are wrong but think they're right
29) people who think they know me but don't
30) pop-up ads
31) having no ice
32) someone sits on my clean bed >F
33) people who touch my stuff
34) people who tell
35) teachers
36) spanish
38) having to take spanish
39) spiders
40) weird bugs that you have never seen before but creep you out and then disappear before you can kill *shudder*
41) people that think i'm not weird (i am, I AM!!!!! *stomps*)
42) mushrooms that smell
43) carrots...
44) peeling billions of carrots.......
45) relatives that talk loudly
46) people using my cup
47) people who use the computer too much, thus slowing it immensly
48) making spelling errors because i can't spell o__O
49) spider-man
50) people who make fun of gackt!!! >F I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!
now, things i LIKE/LOVE...
01) gackt
02) GACKT!!!!!!!
03) looking at gackt
04) watching gackt
05) masa + you
06) ren :D
07) gackt+you+masa :D
08) that smutty fanfic with gacktxblender :D :D :D :D :D
09) kamui!!!!
10) sexy x characters
11) x
12) watching x
13) hoggin the computer :D :D :D
14) waking up late
15) NO SCHOOL!!!
16) playing with cheryl's/michelle's/victoria's rifle
17) my new flag bag
18) free stuff
19) borrowing things from denise
20) stealing michelle's word :D
21) kidnapping lil kids :D
22) dreaming of kidnapping lil kids :D :D
23) music
24) bz
25) ayumi
26) being obsessed over a fictional character
27) legolas :D :D :D :D :D :D
28) vanilla :D :D :D :D :D
29) vanilla live :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
30) taking those quizzes that waste your time
32) watching LOTR at 2:00 every day
33) eating :D
34) sleeping, whooooo
35) getting people to do things for you
36) water breaks during drill... ahhhhh
37) 4.0 (which i NEVER got this year!!! >F)
38) being first!! :D :D :D :D :D
39) winning, HA!
40) summer vacation
41) swimming at night
42) ishmaelxqueequeg :D :D
43) subaruxseishirou oh yeah! :D :D :D :D :D :D
44) sorata... YES
46) nataku :3
47) when my hair reeks of heineken
48) a new clean bed
49) gackt's music
50) anything gackt
alright, the likes was MUCH harder than dislikes... for some unknown reason...
i took some test, "which of the seven deadly sins is yours" or something like that. i got envy, to my surprise. i thought it would definitely would be greed. well, i think envy fits me too. greed, anger, lust, gluttony, envy, pride, sloth... those are the sins, right? i'm pretty sure i am guilty of all these sins, except maybe lust. *pride* :D haha. i don't like those old poems at all. >( they're gross and forget you ever read them!!! i think it was yesterday when my cousin was talking about a book she had, the anteater reader, which is full of stories and articles and poems and such, and she kept saying bad things about poems! my sister agreed with her, although i was rather hurt from what they were saying. poems were stupid, anyone could write that!, i don't get them, what the hell is that!-- statements like that, etc. well! i thought that was a rather disagreeable thing to say. i like poems because i write poems. also, i think you can "get" them. its just the sense of feeling you get from them, sometimes. and i find them as a good way to write out your emotions in a way that others can get it quite easily. sorry, i think i am talking nonsense, and no one should take what i'm saying seriously... i'm probably wrong, but i didn't think they should have talked about poems that way! when i'm right there! insensitive bastards! >D
today i was on the other computer reading some harry potter fanfic (haha) and i was bored with nothing to do so i decided to write a story. but i remembered i can't write stories at all, so i decided to write a poem. i wrote two and when i saved them, stumbled upon all these old ones that i wrote in 8th grade. XP alright, i decided to show them all to the grateful public. haha.
Falling down, down, down
deeper and deeper into the snow
sinking, hoping someone will notice
but too late they come
only in time to glimpse her desperate fingers clawing the surface
then, surrender
and those slender fingers too, disappear
no one bothered to mourn
her whispered pleas had been ignored
weeks slipped by in the small, unforgiving town
and memory of the wretched woman slowly faded
until one day a stranger appeared
and visited her death bed with the cry,
dear mother!
tears stream from the young son’s eyes
and from his quivering mouth
come whispers of sorry
i’m sorry for leaving you, mother!
as he slumps to the ground,
he mourns as no others did
-Tuesday, September 03, 2002
her dreams were dark,
shrouded in darkness
eerily beautiful
her heart,
devoid of light
hardened into the hardest of the precious stones
glittering in the shadows of her soul
until one night,
lo and behold,
he entered her dreams
and boldly took this jewel
and declared, i love you!
-Tuesday, September 03, 2002
"No One Understands"
Her brightness shone
within and out
The others taste
the bitterness
and they dimmed
Her beauty rose
with faith
then she
grew courage
and drank a drop
of her own kindness
and it shattered her
so she donned
a cloak
her beauty hid
and the only clue
came from her glowing face
rapturous, she
continued to shine
brightly, too bright to stand
"Passing Storm"
Hatred coiled inside her
ready to strike
at a moment’s choice
boils hot and thick
can’t stay within her
much longer
surroundings blur
eyes grow cold
beautiful smiles
forms to stone
piercing eyes
pinch the heart
fear grows around her
throats contract
and all relax
when trouble is forgotten
ok thats enough because i don't want to put up the other ones. i just don't! aha. september 24... X!!!! *hysterical scream* can't wait... do i even have any money? damn! don't mind my mindless babble here. i... want.... X!!!!!!! ew ew one more day until school!!! *dies* ugh, just the thought of it... *screams* i hate my tan lines. they make me sick. >F
Falling down, down, down
deeper and deeper into the snow
sinking, hoping someone will notice
but too late they come
only in time to glimpse her desperate fingers clawing the surface
then, surrender
and those slender fingers too, disappear
no one bothered to mourn
her whispered pleas had been ignored
weeks slipped by in the small, unforgiving town
and memory of the wretched woman slowly faded
until one day a stranger appeared
and visited her death bed with the cry,
dear mother!
tears stream from the young son’s eyes
and from his quivering mouth
come whispers of sorry
i’m sorry for leaving you, mother!
as he slumps to the ground,
he mourns as no others did
-Tuesday, September 03, 2002
her dreams were dark,
shrouded in darkness
eerily beautiful
her heart,
devoid of light
hardened into the hardest of the precious stones
glittering in the shadows of her soul
until one night,
lo and behold,
he entered her dreams
and boldly took this jewel
and declared, i love you!
-Tuesday, September 03, 2002
"No One Understands"
Her brightness shone
within and out
The others taste
the bitterness
and they dimmed
Her beauty rose
with faith
then she
grew courage
and drank a drop
of her own kindness
and it shattered her
so she donned
a cloak
her beauty hid
and the only clue
came from her glowing face
rapturous, she
continued to shine
brightly, too bright to stand
"Passing Storm"
Hatred coiled inside her
ready to strike
at a moment’s choice
boils hot and thick
can’t stay within her
much longer
surroundings blur
eyes grow cold
beautiful smiles
forms to stone
piercing eyes
pinch the heart
fear grows around her
throats contract
and all relax
when trouble is forgotten
ok thats enough because i don't want to put up the other ones. i just don't! aha. september 24... X!!!! *hysterical scream* can't wait... do i even have any money? damn! don't mind my mindless babble here. i... want.... X!!!!!!! ew ew one more day until school!!! *dies* ugh, just the thought of it... *screams* i hate my tan lines. they make me sick. >F
i'm going to school in a bit to get the ap euro books... X__X;;; all i know is that if i die, i'm taking a few people down with me!!!!!! >F

Find out which Escaflowne man you should bed
i should stop taking these tests if i don't know the people... X__X;;;
Monday, September 02, 2002

Food is good but killing and suffering is
better. I'm an outright psychopath with
no excuse. Damn, I'm sexy though.
Take the Trigun personality quizlet
wow look at him!!!! *drool drool* haha i'm lucky to have him as my bitch.

I despise the human race and will
kill anyone to preserve myself. I'm
downright scary. Legato is my bitch.
Take the Trigun personality quizlet
no... *gasp*.... x... *gasp*... until.... SCHOOL STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTTTTTTTT__________TTTTTTTT *dies* florencia's burner is broken. this is too much for me. i am definitely unhinged mentally now. *cackles* i had a crazy scary dream. it was very scary. *cries* today was not a good day!!!!!!!! and school! is in two days. *dies again*