back from "studying." man. i wanted "quiet study." but we did "discussion review." sorry thu, for volunteering your house.... :/ but.. its because michelle asked me, so i asked you, and i wanted to go to your house. so.. sorry. it was like "can i come" "ok" "can michelle and michelle come?" "uh" too much people. oh well. it was ok. i studied more than i would have by myself because my house sucks. caroline is always talking to me and its always noisy and i just can't concentrate here. plus, there is computer and tv to distract me. also, sorry thu for eating all the food at your house. i feel like a pig. :'( a greeedy pig. i did a backflip with michelle's help. but then the second time we did it.. didn't work. and i kicked her face. haha oops. man the other michelle is so moody... she was silent like the whole time... it was kinda scary. and she looked all mad. what the.. oh yeah we did our project presentations for chem today. ugh ours is so boring. O_O heehee i like the video one. so funny! soap. yeah. ew i'm becoming too much like thu. i'm absorbing her thu qualitites. gross! like the way she talks. *shudder* and saying "poopie" and stuff. thats gross. OH NO track FINALS tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then ap euro test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooooooooooooooo i am NOT ready for any hurdles.. we tried practicing, me and grace, with hurdles, but i kept stopping in front of it. damn this eternal fear of hurdles. even low hurdles. what has become of me!?!? *sob* man.. looking just at times, i place 4th. oh geez. even in 100 HH. they have 18. O_O 18!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! maybe i might p.r. and get an 18.9.. but first of all, yeah right, and secondly, i'll still be 4th because they run 18.3's and 18.4's. gah. thank god i'm not in varsity. and for 300.. well, it says my time is better than grace's... but that's not right.. is it? i seriously can never remember my times for the 300. sigh. i think they got it mixed up, my time and grace's time for the 300. so she can place 4th for 300 and i.. 6th? oh well. i hope with good competition like that, i'll push myself and do better. its 100 before 300... right? oh good.. then i can give it all for the 300. i better.. i want at least 3rd.. or grace better get at least 3rd.
saw baseball again today. it makes me feel all light and fluffy inside. sigh. they were practicing, even in the rain! when we went inside. i was watching them stretch and then run around. the running is most boring. the stretching is kinda funny, and then it gets boring. i had gackt in my head during practice. lovely. birdcage. love that song. alright i have to do my hw now and study extra-hard for euro. BEEP i better get a 3 at least. *shakes fish* man harris put up all this junk of hw on the hw site.. what the... its like 3 full assignments! does she expect us to do that, along with our worksheets?!?!? BEEP! i mean, oh poopie!
yay gackt wallpaper. :D