wow. i love shopping. and i bought janet's replacement camera. I'M SO SORRY JANET!!! i wish i could do more.. or go back in the past and NOT drop it... aawww.. FLORIDA!!!! i can't wait. 7.5 more hours. hoooRAY. shopping killed any lingering unhappiness. WHOO HOO!!! FLORIDA!! NEW CLOTHES!! WHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Friday, April 18, 2003
FLORIDA IN SEVERAL HOURS!!! oh my. i didn't even go shopping yet. i don't even know what suitcase to use. i have a terrible feeling that i'm going to wake up at 5.. p.m.!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! or something stupid like that.. like 11 a.m. or something. AH!! anyway yesterday was soooo fun. we worked on rifle for a while, after watching the newbies do drop spins. boy, they suck. :D RIFLE!! i used arlene's old one. and i finally found michelle's. it was in the wrestling room.. behind a roll of matting or whatever that is. whew. i like arlene's rifle though. its so light so its easier to manuever. yay. we did the new work and its so fun. plus i'm getting it better now.. still can't do the single part and that part afterwards, but thats ok. and i toss like 5 counts early but i can fix that also. and i was thinking about florida and i was so happy!! i'm going shopping in a few minutes... whoOO!!! man i didn't get x but thats ok.. its not like i could have watched it during spring break anyway. it feels better to do the rifle stuff with the rifles. because then i don't feel like a wannabe rifle.. i'm just try out now. sigh. i still feel kinda weird because of the flags. oh well. we played cards professionally too. with a table and all. now all we need is some money with that. jk. FLORIDA!!! 8.5 hours left!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! its like the countdown to field season championships. WOW. florida. its my break. woooooooooooooooo. i wish cindy was going. yay i'm going to be so happy!! heh i gotta go now. also, yesterday i set a record. whooo.
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
FLORIDA! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 days. ohmy ohmy ohmy. GOSH. whoa and tomorrow is the last day of school!! then.. SPRING BREAK!! oh SHIT it better rain.. i mean pour, like RIGHT NOW. because i cannot run tomorrow. i hadn't had a decent practice for... like 2 weeks! i am dying!!!!!!!! god i just hate that guy, _ _ _ _!! AH! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEE!! why do you like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so much?!?! GOSH!! i don't want to say because someone might read it who shouldn't.. i dunno. gosh he's so annoying! grr. always talking about _ _ _ _ _ _ _. and trying to work on them and stuff. and telling me to do things. gosh. gosh i say "gosh" too much.. i'll try to stop now. hmm it must be pretty obvious what the blanks are but i'll just leave it blank. die, _ _ _ _, DIE! jk i think that's too mean... but still. OH WELL. i am HAPPY today!!!! its the happiest i've been for months and months. i must like complaining because i do it so much. sorry melody. oh yeah, i also have to apologize for field season behaviour. (haha so british) anyway, i guess i was being kinda like a traitor. sorry! i did not realize.. if i was a newbie again i would pick up all the stuff and yeah try not to be like that.. oh well. next year, EVERYONE will be a rifle!! i think.. anyway, i hope i can get the hard routine down.. we haven't had much time to practice, grrr alicia. hum what else was i going to say... ahhhhh florida!!! i can't wait. i want to skip school tomorrow. eeeeeeeee heehee. i'm just too happy!!! HAPPY!! also, we watched the baseball players today!!! whee! their uniforms. O_O. aw jv sucks. haha. varsity is SO GOOD though. wow. it was cool watching them. but i like jv (or is it frosh/soph?)'s uniforms better, so we watched them after. MAN jenniger!! why aren't you online!?!?! codec!! codec!! sorry though, because i couldn't get online at 8:30.. or did it? i don't think so.. i think i was showering. man i'm floating on air! so happy! p.s. its not only because of florida!! or because of watching the baseball players. its a S.E.C.R.E.T. eeheehee. oh yeah. here are some of my favorite quotes, said from real people, except for the last one. thats a sentence from english vocab heh. (nerd)
-"get away from my blackboard you little troll!"
-"you're looking pretty gangly now"
-"is it weird of a boy puts make up on?"
-"He was so abstemious that he extended his self-control even to his beloved music, and listened to records no more than an hour each day."
AHAHHAH!! what a RETARD!! i mean the last one. he is so retarded. hahahaha. its hilarious.
-"get away from my blackboard you little troll!"
-"you're looking pretty gangly now"
-"is it weird of a boy puts make up on?"
-"He was so abstemious that he extended his self-control even to his beloved music, and listened to records no more than an hour each day."
AHAHHAH!! what a RETARD!! i mean the last one. he is so retarded. hahahaha. its hilarious.
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't realize that i was going to LEAVE california and GO to another STATE. whoa. AND IN THREE DAYS. o_O;; AHH!! flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. oOOoOoOOooOoo. AHH!!! AHH! FLORIDA!! AH!! ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! ffffffffffffffffffffffffflorida! fllllllllllllllllorida! floooooooooooooooorida! florrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrida! floriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiida! floriddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddda! floridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Monday, April 14, 2003
i'm in pain. michelle wacked me in the throat at practice, when i was getting my flag bag. i had difficulty speaking for a while. haha jk michelle. no real damage. the REAL PAIN was the rifle! SOB. it hurts. my arm hurts. it feels like one big bruise. WAHHHHHHH. i'm not used to such pain. i'm a flaggie!!! sob. leena is mean. T__T. also i have no rifle. a stupid tetzlaff freak took michelle's new one, which is the one I usually use. wahhh. it hurts!!! *cries* ;_; mark made me and grace spin and toss with the vets and it was hard. well, not that hard. until we learned the work. ohmygod. HOLY F*CK it was hard. well, for me. he was going all fast. triples. that was ok. then quads. erg. then 5s! arg. well we at least caught 'em. then he was like 6s! and i was: O_O. so we just did 5s whilst they did 6s. ohno the tetzlaff people better not be better than me. because if they were i would be sad. sigh. so much pain. yay no hw today. except reading for euro, which i might actually do!! o_O;; whats happening here? i heard there might be rain thursday and friday. so... no track meet!??! if so, i'm going to be SOOOO OUT OF SHAPE. i already am just from not having practice friday and having the weekend off. erg.. and no practice today. hm. martinez is annoying. i want to punch him. in the face. so that he goes "ARR" and dies. HA. susan's rifle scratched me. boo. i told her the nail was sticking out (i was being nice, i warned her!) and she was like, oh yeah, i know, thats how i got my scratch. JUST TELL ME why don't you? gosh. how mean. grrr. i was afraid she was going to try at weapon. ._.;; gaaaaaackt. its almost time to change him again. man, this is the BEST PRESENT, cindy. the BEST!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO. i wish.. i wish i could get married to a rich guy already. so i can stop schooling. heh. jk. (well maybe...)
ahhh this is the first monday in a while in which i was able to come home before 8!! WHOO!!! i feel relaxed. man theres so much time at home.. anyway, i'm off to colorguard soon. in fact, i might be a bit late. TRYOUTS! RIFLE! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Sunday, April 13, 2003
i'm considering dropping something next year.. maybe colorguard, especially if it isn't 0 period.. or maybe track? or... maybe.. some ap classes... or maybe... spanish? spanish is a large burden... i want to cry. everyone says next year will be hardest.. hmph and i thought this year was hard

Sesshomaru is the strong silent type, he's very
loving especially with children even though he
tries not to show it.
Which Inuyasha character would you most likely marry? ( for girls )
brought to you by Quizilla
hm.. i don't know who that is...
i think the picture in the newspaper is from john glenn, not mayfair. melody says so because of the hurdles.. if so, i was alone not because i was behind, but because i was ahead. good... i dearly hope so. i finished my book, the clocks. its good. i want to read that other one. it had race in it. mmm.

You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
ew whats wrong with the hands?? they look huge...