WHAT THE HELL WHY DOESN"T THAT THING WORK!??!?!!? oh feck i suddenly figured it out... damn.. ok lemme fix it nowandhereitis..ohshitmyspacebarbroke!!!!WTF!??!?!omgthisissofreakingweird..istillpressiteventhoughitdoesn'twork..idunnoforceofhabit..shitthislookssofrekaincrappy..ikeepthinkingitwillspace..butitwon't!!!!*wails*omgtenchimknowhowyoufeelnow...thatwassoyoucouldtellitwasanameoryoumightgetconfusedandnotbeabletoreadit....ihopethisisreadable..ok.this.is.ingenious..wait.i.spelled.it.the.wrong.way...i.think...ha.isn't.this.so.smart.of.me?ok.i.think.i.should.stop/now/beforeigetaheartattack
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
YYYYYYYYYARRRRRRRR!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAARRY!!!!! but more importantly, FRODO!!!!!!! more. MORE! and
We've all heard it before, "Everything in moderation." It's just you're one of the only ones who can actually do just that — even when it comes to the most tempting of temptations. As a true Moderate, you're the type who allows yourself bits and pieces of life's innocent pleasures — but knows when and how to draw the line before you get carried away.
Because you treat yourself when you have a strong craving, you can more easily say "no" to excessive temptations when they arise. Good for you — you've managed to achieve the perfect balance between pleasing the little angel and the little devil on your shoulders. Getting and maintaining this healthy sense of discipline is a place we should all strive for. (We'll meet you there right after Jerry Springer's over and the gallon of ice cream's gone).
yah right. i was sure i was going to get "high" or "most"... its because i do things to people will think i'm honest.. haha jk! (or am i!??! >D)
We've all heard it before, "Everything in moderation." It's just you're one of the only ones who can actually do just that — even when it comes to the most tempting of temptations. As a true Moderate, you're the type who allows yourself bits and pieces of life's innocent pleasures — but knows when and how to draw the line before you get carried away.
Because you treat yourself when you have a strong craving, you can more easily say "no" to excessive temptations when they arise. Good for you — you've managed to achieve the perfect balance between pleasing the little angel and the little devil on your shoulders. Getting and maintaining this healthy sense of discipline is a place we should all strive for. (We'll meet you there right after Jerry Springer's over and the gallon of ice cream's gone).
yah right. i was sure i was going to get "high" or "most"... its because i do things to people will think i'm honest.. haha jk! (or am i!??! >D)
YYYYYYYYYARRRRRRRR!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAARRY!!!!! but more importantly, FRODO!!!!!!! more. MORE! and