anakin, do you read me, this is obi-wan kenobi

the meaning of life is a quest for knowledge and inner fulfilment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

WHAT THE HELL WHY DOESN"T THAT THING WORK!??!?!!? oh feck i suddenly figured it out... damn.. ok lemme fix it nowandhereitis..ohshitmyspacebarbroke!!!!WTF!??!?!omgthisissofreakingweird..istillpressiteventhoughitdoesn'twork..idunnoforceofhabit..shitthislookssofrekaincrappy..ikeepthinkingitwillspace..butitwon't!!!!*wails*'
YYYYYYYYYARRRRRRRR!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAARRY!!!!! but more importantly, FRODO!!!!!!! more. MORE! and

We've all heard it before, "Everything in moderation." It's just you're one of the only ones who can actually do just that — even when it comes to the most tempting of temptations. As a true Moderate, you're the type who allows yourself bits and pieces of life's innocent pleasures — but knows when and how to draw the line before you get carried away.

Because you treat yourself when you have a strong craving, you can more easily say "no" to excessive temptations when they arise. Good for you — you've managed to achieve the perfect balance between pleasing the little angel and the little devil on your shoulders. Getting and maintaining this healthy sense of discipline is a place we should all strive for. (We'll meet you there right after Jerry Springer's over and the gallon of ice cream's gone).

yah right. i was sure i was going to get "high" or "most"... its because i do things to people will think i'm honest.. haha jk! (or am i!??! >D)
YYYYYYYYYARRRRRRRR!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAARRY!!!!! but more importantly, FRODO!!!!!!! more. MORE! and
YYYYYYYYYARRRRRRRR!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAARRY!!!!! but more importantly, FRODO!!!!!!! more. MORE! and

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

championships are coming up...!!!!
meet at 4:30 am at school on saturday...will be leaving at 5 =_=;;; i will be sleepy and possibly might miss the bus. i hope not. please i want to wiiiiiiiiiin! or i mean do good, because i doubt we can win. we can't win. i will sleep on the bus and be vulnerable to pictures. oh well. GO CERRITOS COLORGUARD!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >D >D >D >D


Monday, November 18, 2002

his name is john, or johnny. i like to say it outloud so i put it in as many sentences as possible. i also like to say, "hullo johnny" instead of nothing as i did before. :)

Sunday, November 17, 2002

i had my colorguard dream. all the vets i asked had one before too. in my dream i had a dream and in the dream dream, michelle lee died! 8_8 in a bathroom with a lizard (?) and soap.. and then i woke up from the dream dream and was in my regular dream and we were at practice and everyone laughed at my dream dream when i told them, which was actually my dream in my dream, not my dream dream because i was in my dream, so i didn't know my dream was my dream, so i thought my dream dream was my dream. if this is confusing, ask me and i shall clarify for you. well there was lots more but i fergot it. i hAte caroline! i want to watch harry potter and ferget my hw. esp ap euro. i hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stabs mr. armstrong* i found out who victor is. i thought he was juan's brother? @w@! i think that was him... ok, i thought this guy was juan;s brother, and i also know who victor is (the guy who made rifles do pushups) but i'm not sure they are the same person... probably not.. ack nm all that..
i love competition!
we got 6th. boo. i thought we did good, too. now i am scared to look at the tape as i remember the many mistakes i made. *cries* i have a B- in harris!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D i rank 11 now, with my 80.1%. ha. but my ap euro grade dropped to a 74.7... and i'm rank 23 there. hah thu is rank 24. haha. aw man competition was really fun. michelle took pictures and we found my lost childhood blanket. she took a picture of it. and also a picture of the big blue balls that alloa used. i dunno how to spell it... but oh well. we almost got lost going to the bathroom but I got us back. aHA! only one more competition left... CHAMPIONSHIPS IN SAN DIEGO!!!! 0_0;;;; i want a hotohori doll that i can bring there to hug. HOTOHORI!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeeze* we might have a sleepover at natalie's house the day before.. maybe not. i'm pretty sure we won't get anything high... but... i dunno... oh man when they were announcing the awards for AAA, and they were on 6th, christina said, "oh no, we're going to get 6th! i think we're getting 6th!!! we're getting 6th!!" and then i told her to shut up but it was too late because i started feeling like we were going to get 6th too, and... we got 6th. ._. darn. christina jinxed us. bleh. still gotta do two essays. fffffffffffffck i hate spanish!!! and rogan!!!!!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!