metal gear solid 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 04, 2003
don't watch me.. why are they going to the track meet? they should avert their eyes whilst i run. i am such a LOSER. and i hate losing. LOSE. i'm going to LOSE. i look so bad. where's daphne from last year? i'm not as good as everyone says.. and they only say that because they think they are being nice.. but i know i suck. i think grace is mad when i say i don't BELIEVE. i told her my track story, and she said "so god showed you a sign and you rejected it?!?" or something. its just that whenever you start to believe in something, it will stop and disappear... so i choose to keep it an option. this is the best song: moonlight sonata - beethoven. OH it inspires me to write a story...
NOT FAIR!!! i wrote all this stuff yesterday but it didn't work. stupid caroline's computer! today we kept playing cards instead of doing rifle. susan is dumb. she keeps trying to join in. sick. anyway, to sum up yesterday, i was really tired and i was going blind. o.O;;; seriously. i couldn't use my left eye.. i wouldn't focus. i was panicking and no one was paying attention!! GOSH DARN IT, JENNIFER, REAAAAAAAAAAAAAD ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! heh i saw the japanese stuff today. (no comment) ANYWAY... i don't want to go to track tomorrow!! but i'm going to copy mona and go early to get my stupid jumps over with. *sigh* damn track.. i wonder if i can still turn in something for the library contests...
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: UseLesS FaCtS EveRyOnE ShoULd KnoW :
*HaLLmArK MakEs CarDs fOr 105 DiFFerEnT OccAsiOns
*Q-TiPs wErE oRiGinALLy CaLLeD BaBy GayS
*RuBBeR BaNdS LasT LonGeR WhEn TheY R ReFriGerAteD
*tHe AveRagE LeAd PenCiL cAn DraW a LinE 35 MiLeS lOnG oR wRiTe ApProX. 50,000 EnGliSh WoRds
*An AveRagE WomAn's HaNdbAg WeiGhs 3-5 poUndS
*thE diAL toNe oF A nORmaL tELepHonE is thE F keY
*tHeRE R FiSh ScALeS iN LipStiCk
*tHe OnLy KinG W/oUt A MoUstAchE iN a DecK oF cArDs iS thE KinG oF HEarTS
*tHe PlasTiC ThiNgs oN tHe EnD oF shOELaCeS R CaLLeD AgLetS
*iT tAkeS A PLaStiC ConTAinER 50,000 YrS. To StaRt DEcOmPoSiNg
*No PiEcE oF PaPeR cAn Be FoLdEd mOrE tHAn 7 TimEs
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: the last one is no piece of paper can be folded IN HALF more than 7 times... there's a difference
dORK e EST dORK: uh huh
dORK e EST dORK: hahah
dORK e EST dORK: that's actually really interesting
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: yes
that's actually my cousin's thing. she always has those "useless facts."
*HaLLmArK MakEs CarDs fOr 105 DiFFerEnT OccAsiOns
*Q-TiPs wErE oRiGinALLy CaLLeD BaBy GayS
*RuBBeR BaNdS LasT LonGeR WhEn TheY R ReFriGerAteD
*tHe AveRagE LeAd PenCiL cAn DraW a LinE 35 MiLeS lOnG oR wRiTe ApProX. 50,000 EnGliSh WoRds
*An AveRagE WomAn's HaNdbAg WeiGhs 3-5 poUndS
*thE diAL toNe oF A nORmaL tELepHonE is thE F keY
*tHeRE R FiSh ScALeS iN LipStiCk
*tHe OnLy KinG W/oUt A MoUstAchE iN a DecK oF cArDs iS thE KinG oF HEarTS
*tHe PlasTiC ThiNgs oN tHe EnD oF shOELaCeS R CaLLeD AgLetS
*iT tAkeS A PLaStiC ConTAinER 50,000 YrS. To StaRt DEcOmPoSiNg
*No PiEcE oF PaPeR cAn Be FoLdEd mOrE tHAn 7 TimEs
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: the last one is no piece of paper can be folded IN HALF more than 7 times... there's a difference
dORK e EST dORK: uh huh
dORK e EST dORK: hahah
dORK e EST dORK: that's actually really interesting
iLOvEsEtOkAiBa: yes
that's actually my cousin's thing. she always has those "useless facts."
backhands, backhands! i was doing them with michelle lee today. and then i tossed some doubles and triples and she caught them behind me. it was cool. :D i wanted to practice my tosses, though, which is why i took connie's rifle. i wish i had a real rifle to myself. i can't wait until florida! stupid martinez. why does he always have to talk about me or use me as the example!? pff.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
"i am smart. s-m-r-t."
hahahah hilarious. man lotsa hw to do. boo. here's a poem.
this is the end
in which old ways part
friends brace farewell
mothers hold children to their hearts
a child screams in pain
monsters tear her apart
the masses writhe in agony
with this, i do depart
darkness rules this age
heaven, fear me not
for this is the end of all things good
satan is upon us
this is the end for good
i know, it sounds stupid. haha, it kinda matches my "vlad the impaler" thing. heh.
hahahah hilarious. man lotsa hw to do. boo. here's a poem.
this is the end
in which old ways part
friends brace farewell
mothers hold children to their hearts
a child screams in pain
monsters tear her apart
the masses writhe in agony
with this, i do depart
darkness rules this age
heaven, fear me not
for this is the end of all things good
satan is upon us
this is the end for good
i know, it sounds stupid. haha, it kinda matches my "vlad the impaler" thing. heh.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
my mother tried to force me to quit colorguard. "you can't join colorguard next year!" she shouts. when i point blank refused she tried to persuade me instead. "don't join colorguard next year, you shouldn't join again, blah blah blah."
it's hot today. i drove around yesterday. got down one of my required six hours. though i really spent 2 hours in the car because i switched with my sister; we went at the same time. it was fun. but the guy kept telling me to slow down. it was kinda scary when you go on real roads...

You are Vlad the Impaler. The man behind the legend
of Dracula. You hanged your victims, stretched
them on the rack, burned them at the stake,
boiled them alive, but mostly impaled them.
Most of your killings were politically targeted
but sometimes you killed just because you were
bored. Your "reign of terror" lasted
from 1456 to 1462. Estimated numbers of victims
vary between 30,000 and more than 100,000.
Evil Evil man. Fie on you!
Which Imfamous criminal are you?
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