anakin, do you read me, this is obi-wan kenobi

the meaning of life is a quest for knowledge and inner fulfilment.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

Lord of the Rings
Personality Test

Based on your answers, you are most like

You were also very much like

Try Again?

haha pippin.
Middle-earth Name Generator

Recent innovations in translations may have changed the
result you previous received for your name.

According to the Red Book of Westmarch,
In Middle-earth, Daphne Lam was a
Smiling Oathbreaker

Elven Name Possibilities for Daphne Lam
The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is:
Another masculine version is:
More feminine versions are:

Hobbit lad name for Daphne Lam
Nob Gamwich from Brockenborings
Hobbit lass name for Daphne Lam
Mirabella Gamwich from Brockenborings

Dwarven Name for Daphne Lam
Gralin Sandeyes
This name is for both genders.

Orkish Name for Daphne Lam
Ufrásh the Ripper
This name is for both genders.

hahah this thing is cool!
Young men late in the night
Toss on their beds,
Their pillows do not comfort
Their uneasy heads,
The lot that decides their fate
Is cast to-morrow,
One must depart and face
Danger and sorrow.

Look in your heart and see
There lies the answer,
Though the heart like a clever
Conjuror or dancer,
Deceive you with many
A curious sleight,
And motives like stowaways
Are found too late.

He shall again his peace
Feel his heart harden,
Envy the heavy birds
At home in the garden,
For walk he must the empty
Selfish journey,
Between the needless risk
And the endless safety.

Clouds and lions stand
Before him dangerous,
And the hostility of dreams.
Then let him honor us,
Lets he should be ashamed
In the hour of crisis:
In the valley of corrosion
Tarnish his brightness.

-WH Auden.

woooooooooooooo super saturday is over! it didn't even seem that long though.. felt like 6 or 8 hours instead of 10. ooooooo i keep feeling dizzy. stop it! its annoying. hmmmmm i'm not even tired. i thought my legs would be aching, but eh.. only my newly-cauloused feet hurt. ew. this means that in colorguard the physical activity is like 0. ok, for flags, that is. man, after like an hour of track practice, i'm EXHASTED! haaaa i love rifle! but, sniff, it is separated from me most of the time. i wish i brought it home. damn flags. AH! i hate swing flags, and yes, we do swing flags AGAIN. field season was enough, this is too much! rifle! rifle rifle rifle rifle rifle rifle. obsessed, i am. today we cleaned the floor. the whole thing. -__- too for-ever! yah, our's was so clean, eh melody? man i keep having that tilting feeling... its annoying. rifle. today was fun. i hope i didn't tan. i hate being dark. everyone said i was generous when i let them all use my sunblock, but who cares about a tifle like sunblock? of course i would let people use it. mmmmmm we had pizza and boba. mmm boba. and we learned work. mmm work. man friday was horrible. horible. had to go to the library to meet for the math project, but stupid daniel or whatever left and then that short guy came late and i didn't feel like working. and we didn't get the math stuff... and adriana wouldn't let me help on the powerpoint. if anyone believes i'm a senior, he must be really stupid, eh? haaaahahahahahaha! gross two adrianas. *shudder* i hope no one reads this. its non-sensical and all over the place and slightly insulting. i actually like doing run throughs, and the harder work the better. who0t! :3 i want our uniforms~~~ reminder to self: janet owes me $2; irene still has my shorts, i think.... o i was reading that legolas fanfiction haha. janet made me! jk oops hey mum just came home. two bobas in one day!

Thursday, January 23, 2003

take the nerd test.

and go to a nerd utopia.

heh i wish. immaculate! ahh... *__*
hEy.. YoU AskEd FoR iT... sO hErE iT IS..
MORE uSeLeSS fActS EvERyOne ShoUlD KnoW:

*thEreS a LaRgE BrAss StAtUE oF WiNNiE-the-PoOH iN LimA, PerU
*CaLiFoRNiA hAs ISsuEd 6 DriVerS liCenSes To PeoPLe NamEd JesUs ChRiSt
*sepTeMbEr 16-21 iS FaRm AniMaL aWaReneSs WeEk
*An AverAge CoLLeGe StUdeNt iN thE U.S rEaDs abOUt 60,000 pAgeS in 4 yeArs
*oN AvErAge, A PErSoN WiLL PrEsS thE SnooZe BuTToN 3 TimEs b4 GeTTinG uP
*AmEriCan GrEen CarDs aRe NoT GrEen
*The rAiSed ReFLeCtiVe DotS On The FreEwAy Are CaLLeD BoTTs DoTs
*ThE WorLdS LaRgEsT K-MArT iS On ThE iSLanD oF GuAm
*TYPEWRITER iS thE LonGesT WoRd ThAt CaN Be MAdE, uSinG onLy 1 RoW oF thE KEyBoArD
*500,000 CeLLs iN Ur BoDy HavE DiEd AnD bEeN RePLaCed SinCe U StArTeD ReaDinG My PrOfiLe :-D

oooo came home from practice and then watched CS:I.. man we got kicked off the floor and we had to do our work on the hard asphalt and i ripped a big hole in my sock. first it was small. then it grew. and grew. i wanted to keep it but then i threw it away. maaaaan the music is stuck in my head. also, watching everyone do their work in time to it. uck. my arms are tired. i don't want to go to school tomorrow. i wish i could sleep without dreaming. dreamless sleep, yeah. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z_,z oooo i wat to watch moovies. but no time.. stupid zuluaga gave us homework even though we have ORALS. thats supposed to mean no work, bastard. denissssssssssssse, give me my videoooooooooo!!!!!!!! ooo i want to watch lord of the rings the two towers again. and play the game. legolasssssssssssssssssssssss! oo look at this!! that was what i was talking about. it only happened to me once. i thought it was my mom.. oh well.. odd.........

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

i found a white shirt, the white scarf, and SUSPENDERS. perfect. i actually voluntarily did my oral today. oh well, now its over with. hmmm i watched this x thing.. and it was so.. BLOODY!!!!! except at the end... kamui killed fuma.. AH! it was so scary.. because his head came off!!! what the!? i think i should study but i don't want to. if only i could get an a in spanish... *sigh* i hate my grades! arg... even english is slowly dropping...... i'm also losing my money.. i want a job but it would just be so time-consuming. aaaaaaaaarg!

Monday, January 20, 2003

i'm listening to x music.. its so sad!!!!!!!! :'( *cries* aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh x......

went to janet's b-day par-ty to-day! it was fun. i played the LOTR game as sexy legolas! except he looks all.. weird.x_O who cares, its legolas! :D i'm starting to care more about colorguard than school. is this bad? i stopped having nightmares. instead, i had a dream about shopping.. or something stupid...
haa they couldn't get past helms deep. it was funny to watch.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

handcuffs and suspenders are fun. :)
also i want to watch
-pirates of the caribbean
-gangs of new york
-bourne identity

i finally got janet's present. whew. i like it though, i am jealous. i also bought myself a new black jacket, because, you know, the last one... had those... dots in it... *shudder* UGH! ohno i thought about it now.. *shudder* UAH!!!!!! its so grosssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! aw i watched dumbo. its so cute. except that part about the dancin' pink elephants.. scary. went to connie's house today. i like it. except it is reelly messy. esp the kitchen, like a nightmare. AH! it took us forever, but we finally made a top hat. haa. yay tomorrow is janet's birthday! she better like my present... hmmm i should do my other hw, eh? ok i will... janet writes fanfiction 0_0
ok, to continue...
after i see the thing come out, i hear someone else screaming, and i realize that its the mom screaming, and i knew that we killed her, too. and then i go to her and theres her death and i don't want to say something..... so thats it....... but it was sad.. because the mom was someone..... but i don't want to say.... so thats it. SCARY! damn witch alien scared the hell out of me.

now for non-dream matters... hmmm on thursday we had practice. it was very tiring. and i was sooooooooo sore. we had to do this one-armed thing over and over and over again. and we had the ap euro test. i got 50 on the terms, but not as good on the scantron.. only a C darn... 72.. and friday we had the spanish writtens! 0_0!!! ohno i think i did badly. darn. my grade was going up in there, too, its an 87% now, impressive, eh? if i get an A in there.. no i don't think so.. but thats like my highest B and i have 4 B's. :( also, we had practice again. man. also, i had to go to the library to do math project. man. bad day. tiring. i wanted to go to sleep right afterschool. but i couldn't. and i wanted to go to sleep right after library. but i couldn't. :( rifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifleriflerifle i want to have my rifle right now. or at least my flag so i can practice that new work we learned. i need to practice that...oh well theres tuesday.. i hope i don't forget it by then. i went to michelle's house today to study with michelle and michelle. her house is the same as joyce's! wow, eh? so i knew where the bathroom was and everything! i also went into her brother's room in a confusion because in joyce's house that's her room. yah... but we didn't really study.. just did that worksheet for 2 hours whilst eating through the whole time. :) yum. esp that banana split we had, even though it was so ugly. but it was fun. i learned some more rifle work. michelle made lipstick from peanut butter. michelle and i hid from michellle. michelle got crazy when i went into her "messy" room. haaaaaaaaaa. tomorrow i have to go to connie's house all early to work on the english project. ok i should go now. i still have to get janet's present. my money keeps flowing out of my wallet. darn. welllllll i get to see LOTR extended version on monday yay. GO LEGOLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to watch a movie.. catch me if you can, chicago, and some more i can't remember anymore. ooooo i gotta call connie in the morning.. to see if we're meeting at 8 or 9... man i want to sleep.