i'm starting to dislike music. it plays with my emotions. for example, i listen to a song and i am filled with euphoria! but then after it is over, i am left with an empty hole. stupid song. it tricked me into happiness. a false, evanescent happiness. damn you! *cries* its like you think you're happy and that everything is going right, but then you realize you were looking at everything upside-down. aaaaaaaaaaaaaarg. well its not music's fault. still... *grumble*
Saturday, May 03, 2003
skinny puppy - hardset head
whoooooo showcase is going to be so cool! hm i dl the song but it sounds weird on the computer... and without work to it. i like the beginning better because i'm only used to that part. ahhhhh doing to work to it is so fun! WHEEE!! oh, so its not just connie that has a solo. its connie, michelle, and natalie. all 5's. connie catches it under her leg, michelle spins and catches it and natalie does that arm up, leaning back free hand thing. natalie has the most boring one. hahha. jk jk. but yeah they're all so cool! went to thu's house in the morning. "studied" for ap euro. man it was boring. so we played that game. i forgot. and for like the first 30 minutes i was just rifle-ing whilst thu showed me the pictures and our championships performance! it turns out adrianna taped it for her. man i liked her show. it was cool. she's so good. its scary. i don't think she dropped once. O_O
ooo, here, pictures. heehee i like the 5th one.
oh no prelims on monday. darn i think i will fail miserably. plus, grace is going to kick my ass in the 300. oh poopie. haha. its like last year. i go and bring with me the newbie. sigh. i hope this means we don't have to turn in our essay for rogan.. darn i better get started on hw.
whoooooo showcase is going to be so cool! hm i dl the song but it sounds weird on the computer... and without work to it. i like the beginning better because i'm only used to that part. ahhhhh doing to work to it is so fun! WHEEE!! oh, so its not just connie that has a solo. its connie, michelle, and natalie. all 5's. connie catches it under her leg, michelle spins and catches it and natalie does that arm up, leaning back free hand thing. natalie has the most boring one. hahha. jk jk. but yeah they're all so cool! went to thu's house in the morning. "studied" for ap euro. man it was boring. so we played that game. i forgot. and for like the first 30 minutes i was just rifle-ing whilst thu showed me the pictures and our championships performance! it turns out adrianna taped it for her. man i liked her show. it was cool. she's so good. its scary. i don't think she dropped once. O_O
ooo, here, pictures. heehee i like the 5th one.
oh no prelims on monday. darn i think i will fail miserably. plus, grace is going to kick my ass in the 300. oh poopie. haha. its like last year. i go and bring with me the newbie. sigh. i hope this means we don't have to turn in our essay for rogan.. darn i better get started on hw.
Friday, May 02, 2003
i was trying to crack my triples today. i lurv michelle's rifle. its much better than my own. crack! i like the sound. i worked on triples, quads, and did a couple 5's. then i went over the flag work and even a little dance. gosh, i am a colorguard freak. haha. i taught melody the dance. poor melody. haha jk. i hope i wasn't too bad. i hope i didn't forget anything.. it seemed awful short. oh well. i wonder if she'll notice if i keep her rifle at my house FOREVER! muahahaha. i asked her after i already took it home. she was like "oh, sure, just don't break it" and i was "whew." haha.
lets discuss baseball. lovely uniforms, they have. heehee. did i spell lovely wrong? lovly. ew. anyway. i saw them walking by today in FULL UNIFORM!! *faint* jk jk. the band room doors were flung open and they walked by. i saw them and ran to the door but they already past.. i just got a glimpse. sigh. i like la mirada's uniforms. blue, was it? blue and gray? of course i am always loyal to the cerritos ones also. at the track meet on wednesday there was this guy in a red baseball shirt. so varsity has red shirts, eh? well, he wasn't in uniform. i like the baseball hats, too. they complete the look. haha. i'm crazed. crazed!
ah its friday!! wheeee! 
Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by orangeday.net
anyway, i was catching up on my blog reading, and here's a part of lena's blog: ..."so many pics!!! my roomies were cheryl and thu and grace and moi...ahaha fun fun...i felt bad for michelle cuz she kept saying she wanted to be in our homey room and not the other cold cold room (daph, michelle, melody, and victoria)"
what the. what does that mean, cold cold room? i want to return to florida. we can make a movie out of it. titled, return to florida! with the exclaimation point and all.
did you ever get that feeling.. when you just want to cry for no reason? i feel like an idiot. yay i love colorguard again. and everyone seems so happy. its because of fun work. i want those newbies to leave us alone. go away! they are.. crowding in on us. yuck. no wonder no one likes newbies. because they INTRUDE! intrude, i tell you. like i was telling michelle. we were such a close unit after winterguard. but newbies ruin that. well.. back to fun work. its so fun! haha so redundant. i have a huge bruise from it though. oooo i think we are league champions again!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!! oooo look at this. magnificent. i like the music also. oh janet is staying. so only one spot left for rifle..? but i think he wants grace in it. a promise means nothing to mark, huh? i's so cold. melody reported that it will rain tomorrow. erm. i'm still neutral on it. i have dentist appointment though.. and have to work on chem project, too. hn. otherwise, if it rained, i would stay in bed and read. haha. nerd. well, i'm running frosh/soph for finals! *party* well.. angela told him she couldn't run. her mother is mean. darn.
look at this: http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-pe01.html its on a disorder. read it! its interesting. and *ahem* i suspect someone of having this. here's the european description: http://www.mentalhealth.com/icd/p22-pe01.html i totally have obsessive-compulsive disorder. OoOoooOoooOOo i am craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. *cackle* click here to see the list of lotsa disorders. i want to get married already. so i can quit school like a lazy bum and live off my husband's vast wealth. sigh. it will never happen. here's a list of requirements to be my husband:
-plays piano excellently
-wants to have twins draco and malfoy
-tall is a plus
-thats about it
if hes not rich.. eh.. as long as hes not too poor.. and as long as i can have draco and malfoy!!! most important!!! connie must genetically alter them. blond i say! blue eyes! blond! ahh!
i wacked myself in the eye with my flag whilst attempting to do the work faster. ow. at least its not a black eye now. it hurt a lot, though, and i was momentarily blind. here's a fact for my enemies: i have some weak eye part so that if i get hit hard enough it will detach and i will be blind forever. hhaaha. hmm maybe i shouldn't broadcast it.. but probably many others will blind-en (heh i made up that word) if hit hard enough. geez i love rambling on about nothing. so fun and boring to others.
-good looking
yeah thats another requirement. but of course all kinds of weirdos can look good to me, as i am also a weirdo. how long is this going to be? hours of torture. i dunno. i am just avoiding hw/studying. heh. bad. i wanted to watch x men 2 united. or whatever its called. my mom even let me. however, i had no ride and also no one else could go with me. thus, i stayed home and read other peoples blogs. and admired that gackt wallpaper. and read about disorders. i took this test once.. like which personality disorders do you have, or something close to that. and it ranked you on low to high on how much you had each disease. i dunno if i'm really that nuts but i got high and extremely high on lots of them. perhaps i answered in a way to twist my results. or i'm just nuts. darn. *crazed cackle* what does knowing that you're crazy do, anyway? it leads to your recovery from it? or i mean treatment? what if you want to be crazy? haha.
la li ho! i'm so bored. also procrastinating. la la la. li li li. ho ho ho. hah. christmas. ok i'm going to eat like my away message says i'm doing. good day.

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by orangeday.net
anyway, i was catching up on my blog reading, and here's a part of lena's blog: ..."so many pics!!! my roomies were cheryl and thu and grace and moi...ahaha fun fun...i felt bad for michelle cuz she kept saying she wanted to be in our homey room and not the other cold cold room (daph, michelle, melody, and victoria)"
what the. what does that mean, cold cold room? i want to return to florida. we can make a movie out of it. titled, return to florida! with the exclaimation point and all.
did you ever get that feeling.. when you just want to cry for no reason? i feel like an idiot. yay i love colorguard again. and everyone seems so happy. its because of fun work. i want those newbies to leave us alone. go away! they are.. crowding in on us. yuck. no wonder no one likes newbies. because they INTRUDE! intrude, i tell you. like i was telling michelle. we were such a close unit after winterguard. but newbies ruin that. well.. back to fun work. its so fun! haha so redundant. i have a huge bruise from it though. oooo i think we are league champions again!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!! oooo look at this. magnificent. i like the music also. oh janet is staying. so only one spot left for rifle..? but i think he wants grace in it. a promise means nothing to mark, huh? i's so cold. melody reported that it will rain tomorrow. erm. i'm still neutral on it. i have dentist appointment though.. and have to work on chem project, too. hn. otherwise, if it rained, i would stay in bed and read. haha. nerd. well, i'm running frosh/soph for finals! *party* well.. angela told him she couldn't run. her mother is mean. darn.
look at this: http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-pe01.html its on a disorder. read it! its interesting. and *ahem* i suspect someone of having this. here's the european description: http://www.mentalhealth.com/icd/p22-pe01.html i totally have obsessive-compulsive disorder. OoOoooOoooOOo i am craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. *cackle* click here to see the list of lotsa disorders. i want to get married already. so i can quit school like a lazy bum and live off my husband's vast wealth. sigh. it will never happen. here's a list of requirements to be my husband:
-plays piano excellently
-wants to have twins draco and malfoy
-tall is a plus
-thats about it
if hes not rich.. eh.. as long as hes not too poor.. and as long as i can have draco and malfoy!!! most important!!! connie must genetically alter them. blond i say! blue eyes! blond! ahh!
i wacked myself in the eye with my flag whilst attempting to do the work faster. ow. at least its not a black eye now. it hurt a lot, though, and i was momentarily blind. here's a fact for my enemies: i have some weak eye part so that if i get hit hard enough it will detach and i will be blind forever. hhaaha. hmm maybe i shouldn't broadcast it.. but probably many others will blind-en (heh i made up that word) if hit hard enough. geez i love rambling on about nothing. so fun and boring to others.
-good looking
yeah thats another requirement. but of course all kinds of weirdos can look good to me, as i am also a weirdo. how long is this going to be? hours of torture. i dunno. i am just avoiding hw/studying. heh. bad. i wanted to watch x men 2 united. or whatever its called. my mom even let me. however, i had no ride and also no one else could go with me. thus, i stayed home and read other peoples blogs. and admired that gackt wallpaper. and read about disorders. i took this test once.. like which personality disorders do you have, or something close to that. and it ranked you on low to high on how much you had each disease. i dunno if i'm really that nuts but i got high and extremely high on lots of them. perhaps i answered in a way to twist my results. or i'm just nuts. darn. *crazed cackle* what does knowing that you're crazy do, anyway? it leads to your recovery from it? or i mean treatment? what if you want to be crazy? haha.
la li ho! i'm so bored. also procrastinating. la la la. li li li. ho ho ho. hah. christmas. ok i'm going to eat like my away message says i'm doing. good day.
Monday, April 28, 2003
i made it into cg! AHH!! haha jk. ew SUSAN made it. what the. i was angry! but she'll probably be stuck in jv with all the newbies. HA-HA!! me and grace learned the dance in like 20 minutes. jk. well... right after track. track was ok. i ALMOST was going to tell him i didn't want to run. but he probably would have made me or would have been mad or something. eh i guess i did ok. but its still not good enough for varsity. you can tell he wants some good varsity hurdlers but there aren't any... sheree and karin did well. did we win? i dunno. i hope we are league champs again. at least we win at something. cg was a big disappointment. but we did really well considering we got bumped up to a new division and yeah there were lotsa newbies. wow the newbies scare me. well, not scare. but i feel weird around them. i mean, i think the team got so close this year. and those newbies are intruding! intruding, i say! i mean, i practically know everyone now. but these newbies.. why, they are strangers! and i don't want them! WAHHHHHH!! 38 on the team so far. michelle adopted a new child! :'( WAHHHHHHHH!!!!! i feel abandoned. sniff. sniff. someone who didn't make it so she yelled at (screamed like a bansee) mark and natalie and stuff so i think they are giving her and another girl another chance or something. anyway.. i don't remember what i was going to write. hum hum. i want a better time. 18! yeah right. whooo hoooooo after the track meet, whilst we were walking to the bus, i saw.. BASEBALL PLAYERS! in UNIFORM!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *__* it was so nice. especially 24. whooo. i like their uniforms better than the cerritos ones. sigh. so lovely. mmmmmm i wanna watch x men 2 and also PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN!! AHHHH!!!!!
MAN it is impossible for me to create blond haired blue eyed twins. why does ugly brown have to be dominant?!?!? damn. i remembered only a couple days ago. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!! connie.. connie, you must save me!!!!! ahahahah "its a birbe!"
MAN it is impossible for me to create blond haired blue eyed twins. why does ugly brown have to be dominant?!?!? damn. i remembered only a couple days ago. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!! connie.. connie, you must save me!!!!! ahahahah "its a birbe!"