Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Monday, October 28, 2002
cantiflas 01
In Spanish:Naci?en la ciudad de M?ico en 1911. Lo limitado de sus recursos le oblig?a abandonar la escuela m?ica para ganarse la vida interpretando peque?s papeles en espect?ulos de variedades (fue tambi? torero c?ico). Sin embargo, pronto su talento fue reconocido, y empez?a hacer papeles protagonistas y a actuar en el teatro. Su primera aparici? en el cine se produce en 1936, con "no te enga?s coraz?", de Miguel Contreras. El inicio de su carrera cinematogr?ica fue la publicidad, terreno en el que se hizo tan popular que la productora decidi?dedicarse al cine en 1940, con Mario de actor principal y vicepresidente de la compañía. En 1940 el ?ito de Ah?est?el detalle fij?su personaje definitivamente y a partir de El gendarme desconocido, de 1941, Miguel M. Delgado comenz?a dirigir sus trabajos. Sus primeras pel?ulas, como "los tres mosqueteros" de 1943, de Miguel M. Delgado, fueron ?itos espectaculares y rompieron r?ords de taquilla en toda Latinoam?ica. Hizo casi 50 pel?ulas, entre las que se incluyen dos incursiones en el mercado de habla inglesa realizadas en Hollywood "la vuelta al mundo en 80 d?s" en 1956, un ?ito que le anim?a protagonizar en 1960 la segunda, "pepe". El ?ito no se repiti?y Cantinflas no volvi?a hacer pel?ulas fuera de M?ico, con la sola excepci? de "Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo" en 1972, rodada en Espa?. Destacan entre otros muchos t?ulos "El bolero de Raquel" de 1956, su primera pel?ula en color, "Sube y baja" en 1958, "El padrecito" en 1965, o "El profe" en 1971, dirigidas todas ellas por Miguel Delgado. El p?lico le adoraba, tanto por su personaje en la pantalla como persona en la vida real, luchando por la justicia social a trav? de un trabajo incansable en fundaciones filantr?icas. Fue el caracterizador t?ico de la figura del "pelado" mexicano, personaje humilde, tierno, ingenuo y p?aro. Falleci?el 20 de Abril de 1993 en su ciudad natal.
In English:It was born in the city of Mexico in 1911. The limited thing of its resources forced to him to leave the medical school to gain the life interpreting small papers in spectacles of varieties (he was also humorous bullfigther). Nevertheless, soon its talent was recognized, and began to play roles protagonists and to act in the theater. His first appearance in the cinema takes place in 1936, with " you are not deceived heart ", of Miguel Contreras. The beginning of its cinematographic race was the publicity, land in which it took control that the producer decided to dedicate itself to the cinema in 1940, of Mario of film star and vice-president so popular of the company. In 1940 the success of is the detail There fixed its personage definitively and from unknown gendar to me, of 1941, Miguel M. Delgado began to direct his works. His first films, like " the three mosqueteros " of 1943, of Miguel M. Delgado, were spectacular successes and broke records of ticket office in all Latin America. It made almost 50 films, between which two incursions in the English market of speech are included made in Hollywood " the return to the world in 80 days " in 1956, a success which it animated to him to carry out in 1960 second, " Pepe ". The success was not repeated and Cantinflas did not return to make films outside Mexico, with the single exception of " Don Quixote rides again " in 1972, rolled in Spain. They emphasize among other many titles " the bolero of Raquel " of 1956, his first film in color, " Raises and low " in 1958, " the padrecito " in 1965, or " profe " in 1971, directed all of them by Thin Miguel. The public adored to him, as much by his personage in the screen like person in the real life, fighting by social justice through an untiring work in filantr?icas foundations. It was the typical caracterizador of " the bare " figure of the Mexican, humble, tender, ingenuous personage and p?aro. He passed away the 20 of April of 1993 in his native city.
cantiflas 02In Spanish:De or?en humilde, tuvo que sufrir la pobreza durante su infancia. Se matricul?en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciudad de M?ico para complacer a su padre, pero durante los estudios comienza a realizar sus pinitos profesionales como bailar? e imitador. Trabaj?en el circo y pronto sus grandes dotes para la interpretaci?, su ternura y su visi? optimista del mundo le llevaron a recrear el tipo de "pelao" (hombre vulgar y pobre de M?ico) y de este modo naci?"Cantinflas". Cierto d? acudi?a una cita con un empresario del teatro de variedades de Jalapa (Veracruz) para que lo viera bailar pero por un incidente ocurrido en el local Cantinflas tuvo que salir a escena y calmar los ?imos del p?lico. Los nervios no le permit?n hablar con fluidez y su forma entrecortada de charlar hizo reir al p?lico. As?inici?su carrera de c?ico. El mism?imo Charles Chaplin le admiraba e intent?hacerr una pel?ula con ? pero no fue posible. En 1940 fund?la productora Rosa Film junto a Jacques Gelman y Santiago Riachi. Su primer film lo rod?en 1936 aunque ser?cuatro a?s despu? cuando alcance la fama con la pel?ula "Ah?esta el detalle". Quiz? el ?ito de Cantinflas residiese, m? que en la calidad de sus pel?ulas, en la extraordinaria expresividad de su caracterizaci? (pantalones ca?os, camiseta haraposa, corbata atada al cuello...) y en la identificaci? plena de su personaje con los problemas sociales de la ?oca y m? concretamente con la realidad de las clases proletarias de Am?ica Latina. Mario Moreno no se ciñó s?o al cine de habla hispana sino que tambi? traspas?fronteras lingüísticas participando en producciones extranjeras como las pel?ulas inglesas "La vuelta al mundo en 80 d?s" y "Pepe". Fue miembro del Sindicato de Actores y al sustituir en la direcci? de dicha instituci? a Jorge Negrete, fund?de forma ben?ica la Casa del Actor. En 1952, haciendo gala de la generosidad que lo caracterizaba, emprendi?una campa? a favor de los pobres para construir un habitat social. Vivi?sus ?timos a?s retirado en su rancho.
In English:Of humble origin, it had to undergo the poverty during its childhood. It was registered in the Medicine Faculty of the University of City of Mexico to please its father, but during the studies it begins to make its professional pinitos like dancer and imitador. It worked in the circus and soon their great dowries for the interpretation, its tenderness and its optimistic vision of the world took to him to recreate the type of " pelao " (vulgar and poor man of Mexico) and this way was born " Cantinflas ". Certain day went to an appointment with an industralist of the music hall of Jalapa (Veracruz) so that it saw it dance but by an incident happened in the Cantinflas premises it had to leave to scene and to calm the spirits of the public. The nerves did not allow to speak him with fluidity and its difficult form to chat made reir to the public. Thus it initiated his race of comedian. Very same the Charles Chaplin admired and tried hacerr to him a film with him but it was not possible. On 1940 Film next to Jacques Gelman and Santiago Riachi founded the Pink producer. Its first film rolled it in 1936 although it will be four years later when this reaches the fame with the film There " the detail ". Perhaps the success of Cantinflas resided, more than in the quality of its films, the extraordinary expresividad of its characterization (fallen trousers, ragged t-shirt, necktie tied to the neck...) and in the total identification of its personage with the social problems of the time and more concretely with the reality of the proletarian classes of Latin America. Brown Mario was not fitted only to the Hispanic cinema of speech but that also transferred ling5u?ticas borders participating in foreign productions like the English films " the return to the world in 80 days " and " Pepe ". It was member of the Union of Actors and when replacing in the direction of this institution of Jorge Negrete, it founded of beneficial form the House of the Actor. In 1952, making Gallic of the generosity that characterized it, it launched a campaign in favor of the poor men to construct a social habitat. It lived his last years retired in his farm.
cantiflas 03
In Spanish:Mario Moreno "Cantinflas" naci?en Ciudad de M?ico el d? 12 de agosto de 1913. Siguiendo los deseos de su padre se matricul?en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciudad de M?ico, pero durante sus estudios comenz?a realizar sus pinitos profesionales como bailar? e imitador. Un d? se present?ante un empresario del teatro de variedades Jalapa (Vera Cruz) para bailar, pero un d? el local sufri?un percance y el director de escena le orden?que saliera a escena para calmar los ?imos del p?lico. Mario se puso nervioso, comenz?a hablar de forma entrecortada provocando la hilaridad de los espectadores e inici?as?su carrera como c?ico. El ?ito de Cantinflas fue arrollador, poco a poco fue configurando el personaje que le ha hecho c?ebre aunque en principio se le comparara con Charlot. El propio Charles Chaplin se convirti?en admirador suyo e intent?rodar sin fortuna una pel?ula con ?. Si Charlot era un vagabundo marginal en un pa? desarrollado, Estados Unidos, en cambio Cantinflas lo era en una sociedad mucho m? pobre, M?ico, por lo que su marginaci? era menor. Una caracter?tica que le hizo c?ebre fue su verborrea incontenible diciendo muchas pa labras que carecen de significado alguno, pero Cantinflas se distingui?siempre por la nobleza de su coraz?, su sentimentalismo, y tambi? porque siempre hac? befa de los todopoderosos que se aparec?n en su camino. En 1941, el productor Felipe Mier fund?la productora Posa Films dedicada a la producci? de sus c?ebres comedias, muy populares en los pa?es de habla hispana. Miembro del Sindicato de Actores se distingui?por su oposici? a la pol?ica de su presidente, Jorge Negrete, de car?ter muy autoritario. A la muerte s?ita de ?te le sucedi?en el cargo fundando la Casa del Actor, de tipo ben?ico. Hombre caracterizado por su generosidad, a partir de 1952 emprende una campa? en favor de los pobres, para construir un complejo de h?itat social. Aparte de su carrera cinematogr?ica se le conoce su extensa actividad como torero c?ico, retir?dose a su rancho donde vivi?sus ?timos a?s falleciendo el 21 de abril de 1993.
In English:Brown Mario " Cantinflas " was born in City of Mexico day 12 of August of 1913. Following desires of his father it was registered in the Medicine Faculty of the University of City of Mexico, but during his studies it began to make his professional pinitos like dancer and imitador. A day appeared before an industralist of the music hall Jalapa (Side Cross) to dance, but a day the premises underwent a mishap and the scene director ordered to him that he left to scene to calm the spirits of the public. Mario was put nervous, begun to speak of difficult form causing the hilaridad of the spectators and initiated thus its race like comedian. The success of Cantinflas was sweeping, little by little was forming the personage who him has made famous although in principle he was compared to him with Charlot. Own the Charles Chaplin his became admirer and tried to roll without fortune a film with him. If Charlot were a marginal vagabond in a developed country, the United States, however Cantinflas was it in a much more poor society, Mexico, reason why its marginalization was smaller. A characteristic that him made famous was its uncontrollable verborrea saying many pa workings that lack meaning some, but Cantinflas always distinguished by the nobility of its heart, its sentimentality, and also because it always made jeering of the omnipotent that appeared in their way. On 1941, the producer Felipe Mier founded the producer Puts Films dedicated to the production of its famous comedies, very popular in the countries of Hispanic speech. Member of the Union of Actors was distinguished by its opposition to the policy of its president, Jorge Negrete, of very authoritarian character. To the sudden death of this one the House of the Actor happened to him in the position founding, of beneficial type. Man characterized by his generosity, as of 1952 please launches a campaign in the poor men, to construct a complex of social habitat. Aside from its cinematographic race its extensive activity like humorous bullfigther is known him, retiring to its farm where it lived his last years passing away the 21 on April of 1993.
cantiflas filmatography
1. Barrendero, El (1981) .... Napole?
2. México de mis amores (1977) .... El mismo
3. Patrullero 777, El (1977) .... Diogenes Bravo
4. Ministro y yo, El (1976)
... aka Minister and Me, The (1976) (USA: literal English title)
5. Conserje en condominio (1973) .... ?sulo
6. Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo (1972) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas) .... Sancho Panza
... aka Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo (1972) (Mexico) (Spain)
... aka Don Quixote Rides Again (1972) (USA: informal literal English title)
7. Profe, El (1971) .... S?rates Garc?
8. Great Sex War, The (1969) .... General Marcos
... aka Make Love Not War (1969) (Europe: English title)
9. Quijote sin mancha, Un (1969) .... Justo Leal y Aventado
... aka Quixote Without La Mancha, A (1969) (USA)
10. Por mis pistolas (1968) .... Fidencio
... aka With My Guns (1968)
11. Su excelencia (1966) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
12. Señor doctor, El (1965) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Salvador Medina/Chava
13. Padrecito, El (1964) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Padre Sebasti?
14. Agente XU 777 (1963) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Feliciano
... aka Entrega inmediata (1963) (Mexico)
15. Extra, El (1962) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Extra, The (1962) (International: English title)
16. Analfabeto, El (1961) .... Inocencio Prieto y Calvo
... aka Illiterate One, The (1961) (International: English title)
17. Pepe (1960) .... Pepe
18. Sube y baja (1959) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Ups and Downs (1959)
19. Ama a tu prójimo (1958)
20. Bolero de Raquel, El (1957) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas)
21. Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) .... Passepartout
22. Charro inmortal, El (1955)
23. Abajo el telón (1955)
... aka Drop the Curtain (1955) (International: English title)
24. Caballero a la medida (1954) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
25. Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Goes to Mexico (1954) .... Himself
26. Señor fotógrafo, El (1952)
... aka Mr. Photographer (1952) (International: English title)
27. Si yo fuera diputado (1952) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
28. Bombero atómico, El (1950) (as M?io Moreno 'Cantinflas')
29. Siete machos, El (1950) .... Margarito/El Siete machos
30. Portero, El (1950) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Puerta, joven (1950) (Mexico)
31. Mago, El (1949) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Magician, The (1949/I) (USA)
32. Supersabio, El (1948) (as Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") .... Cantinflas
33. ¢®A volar joven! (1947)
... aka Puerta joven (1947) (Mexico)
34. Soy un prófugo (1946) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas)
35. Carnaval en el trópico (1946)
... aka Fiesta en Veracruz (1946) (Mexico)
36. Día con el diablo, Un (1945)
37. Gran Hotel (1944) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
38. Romeo y Julieta (1943) .... Romeo
... aka Romeo and Juliet (1943)
39. Circo, El (1942)
40. Tres mosqueteros, Los (1942)
... aka Three Musketeers, The (1942) (International: English title)
41. Gendarme desconocido, El (1941) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Unknown Policeman, The (1941) (International: English title: informal title)
42. Ni sangre, ni arena (1941)
... aka Neither Blood Nor Sand (1941) (International: English title)
43. Cantinflas boxeador (1940)
44. Cantinflas ruletero (1940) (as M?io Moreno 'Cantinflas')
45. Cantinflas torero (1940)
46. Cantinflas y los censos (1940)
47. Cantinflas y su prima (1940)
48. Recordar es vivir (1940)
49. Ahí está el detalle (1940) .... Himself/Leonardo del Paso
50. Cantinflas jengibre contra dinamita (1939)
51. Siempre listo en las tinieblas (1939)
52. Signo de la muerte, El (1939) .... Cantinflas
53. Águila o sol (1938) .... Polito Sol
54. ¢®Así es mi tierra! (1937) .... El Tej?
... aka Such Is My Country (1939) (USA)
55. No te engañes corazón (1936)
... aka Don't Fool Thyself, Heart (1937) (USA: literal English title)
In Spanish:Naci?en la ciudad de M?ico en 1911. Lo limitado de sus recursos le oblig?a abandonar la escuela m?ica para ganarse la vida interpretando peque?s papeles en espect?ulos de variedades (fue tambi? torero c?ico). Sin embargo, pronto su talento fue reconocido, y empez?a hacer papeles protagonistas y a actuar en el teatro. Su primera aparici? en el cine se produce en 1936, con "no te enga?s coraz?", de Miguel Contreras. El inicio de su carrera cinematogr?ica fue la publicidad, terreno en el que se hizo tan popular que la productora decidi?dedicarse al cine en 1940, con Mario de actor principal y vicepresidente de la compañía. En 1940 el ?ito de Ah?est?el detalle fij?su personaje definitivamente y a partir de El gendarme desconocido, de 1941, Miguel M. Delgado comenz?a dirigir sus trabajos. Sus primeras pel?ulas, como "los tres mosqueteros" de 1943, de Miguel M. Delgado, fueron ?itos espectaculares y rompieron r?ords de taquilla en toda Latinoam?ica. Hizo casi 50 pel?ulas, entre las que se incluyen dos incursiones en el mercado de habla inglesa realizadas en Hollywood "la vuelta al mundo en 80 d?s" en 1956, un ?ito que le anim?a protagonizar en 1960 la segunda, "pepe". El ?ito no se repiti?y Cantinflas no volvi?a hacer pel?ulas fuera de M?ico, con la sola excepci? de "Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo" en 1972, rodada en Espa?. Destacan entre otros muchos t?ulos "El bolero de Raquel" de 1956, su primera pel?ula en color, "Sube y baja" en 1958, "El padrecito" en 1965, o "El profe" en 1971, dirigidas todas ellas por Miguel Delgado. El p?lico le adoraba, tanto por su personaje en la pantalla como persona en la vida real, luchando por la justicia social a trav? de un trabajo incansable en fundaciones filantr?icas. Fue el caracterizador t?ico de la figura del "pelado" mexicano, personaje humilde, tierno, ingenuo y p?aro. Falleci?el 20 de Abril de 1993 en su ciudad natal.
In English:It was born in the city of Mexico in 1911. The limited thing of its resources forced to him to leave the medical school to gain the life interpreting small papers in spectacles of varieties (he was also humorous bullfigther). Nevertheless, soon its talent was recognized, and began to play roles protagonists and to act in the theater. His first appearance in the cinema takes place in 1936, with " you are not deceived heart ", of Miguel Contreras. The beginning of its cinematographic race was the publicity, land in which it took control that the producer decided to dedicate itself to the cinema in 1940, of Mario of film star and vice-president so popular of the company. In 1940 the success of is the detail There fixed its personage definitively and from unknown gendar to me, of 1941, Miguel M. Delgado began to direct his works. His first films, like " the three mosqueteros " of 1943, of Miguel M. Delgado, were spectacular successes and broke records of ticket office in all Latin America. It made almost 50 films, between which two incursions in the English market of speech are included made in Hollywood " the return to the world in 80 days " in 1956, a success which it animated to him to carry out in 1960 second, " Pepe ". The success was not repeated and Cantinflas did not return to make films outside Mexico, with the single exception of " Don Quixote rides again " in 1972, rolled in Spain. They emphasize among other many titles " the bolero of Raquel " of 1956, his first film in color, " Raises and low " in 1958, " the padrecito " in 1965, or " profe " in 1971, directed all of them by Thin Miguel. The public adored to him, as much by his personage in the screen like person in the real life, fighting by social justice through an untiring work in filantr?icas foundations. It was the typical caracterizador of " the bare " figure of the Mexican, humble, tender, ingenuous personage and p?aro. He passed away the 20 of April of 1993 in his native city.
cantiflas 02In Spanish:De or?en humilde, tuvo que sufrir la pobreza durante su infancia. Se matricul?en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciudad de M?ico para complacer a su padre, pero durante los estudios comienza a realizar sus pinitos profesionales como bailar? e imitador. Trabaj?en el circo y pronto sus grandes dotes para la interpretaci?, su ternura y su visi? optimista del mundo le llevaron a recrear el tipo de "pelao" (hombre vulgar y pobre de M?ico) y de este modo naci?"Cantinflas". Cierto d? acudi?a una cita con un empresario del teatro de variedades de Jalapa (Veracruz) para que lo viera bailar pero por un incidente ocurrido en el local Cantinflas tuvo que salir a escena y calmar los ?imos del p?lico. Los nervios no le permit?n hablar con fluidez y su forma entrecortada de charlar hizo reir al p?lico. As?inici?su carrera de c?ico. El mism?imo Charles Chaplin le admiraba e intent?hacerr una pel?ula con ? pero no fue posible. En 1940 fund?la productora Rosa Film junto a Jacques Gelman y Santiago Riachi. Su primer film lo rod?en 1936 aunque ser?cuatro a?s despu? cuando alcance la fama con la pel?ula "Ah?esta el detalle". Quiz? el ?ito de Cantinflas residiese, m? que en la calidad de sus pel?ulas, en la extraordinaria expresividad de su caracterizaci? (pantalones ca?os, camiseta haraposa, corbata atada al cuello...) y en la identificaci? plena de su personaje con los problemas sociales de la ?oca y m? concretamente con la realidad de las clases proletarias de Am?ica Latina. Mario Moreno no se ciñó s?o al cine de habla hispana sino que tambi? traspas?fronteras lingüísticas participando en producciones extranjeras como las pel?ulas inglesas "La vuelta al mundo en 80 d?s" y "Pepe". Fue miembro del Sindicato de Actores y al sustituir en la direcci? de dicha instituci? a Jorge Negrete, fund?de forma ben?ica la Casa del Actor. En 1952, haciendo gala de la generosidad que lo caracterizaba, emprendi?una campa? a favor de los pobres para construir un habitat social. Vivi?sus ?timos a?s retirado en su rancho.
In English:Of humble origin, it had to undergo the poverty during its childhood. It was registered in the Medicine Faculty of the University of City of Mexico to please its father, but during the studies it begins to make its professional pinitos like dancer and imitador. It worked in the circus and soon their great dowries for the interpretation, its tenderness and its optimistic vision of the world took to him to recreate the type of " pelao " (vulgar and poor man of Mexico) and this way was born " Cantinflas ". Certain day went to an appointment with an industralist of the music hall of Jalapa (Veracruz) so that it saw it dance but by an incident happened in the Cantinflas premises it had to leave to scene and to calm the spirits of the public. The nerves did not allow to speak him with fluidity and its difficult form to chat made reir to the public. Thus it initiated his race of comedian. Very same the Charles Chaplin admired and tried hacerr to him a film with him but it was not possible. On 1940 Film next to Jacques Gelman and Santiago Riachi founded the Pink producer. Its first film rolled it in 1936 although it will be four years later when this reaches the fame with the film There " the detail ". Perhaps the success of Cantinflas resided, more than in the quality of its films, the extraordinary expresividad of its characterization (fallen trousers, ragged t-shirt, necktie tied to the neck...) and in the total identification of its personage with the social problems of the time and more concretely with the reality of the proletarian classes of Latin America. Brown Mario was not fitted only to the Hispanic cinema of speech but that also transferred ling5u?ticas borders participating in foreign productions like the English films " the return to the world in 80 days " and " Pepe ". It was member of the Union of Actors and when replacing in the direction of this institution of Jorge Negrete, it founded of beneficial form the House of the Actor. In 1952, making Gallic of the generosity that characterized it, it launched a campaign in favor of the poor men to construct a social habitat. It lived his last years retired in his farm.
cantiflas 03
In Spanish:Mario Moreno "Cantinflas" naci?en Ciudad de M?ico el d? 12 de agosto de 1913. Siguiendo los deseos de su padre se matricul?en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciudad de M?ico, pero durante sus estudios comenz?a realizar sus pinitos profesionales como bailar? e imitador. Un d? se present?ante un empresario del teatro de variedades Jalapa (Vera Cruz) para bailar, pero un d? el local sufri?un percance y el director de escena le orden?que saliera a escena para calmar los ?imos del p?lico. Mario se puso nervioso, comenz?a hablar de forma entrecortada provocando la hilaridad de los espectadores e inici?as?su carrera como c?ico. El ?ito de Cantinflas fue arrollador, poco a poco fue configurando el personaje que le ha hecho c?ebre aunque en principio se le comparara con Charlot. El propio Charles Chaplin se convirti?en admirador suyo e intent?rodar sin fortuna una pel?ula con ?. Si Charlot era un vagabundo marginal en un pa? desarrollado, Estados Unidos, en cambio Cantinflas lo era en una sociedad mucho m? pobre, M?ico, por lo que su marginaci? era menor. Una caracter?tica que le hizo c?ebre fue su verborrea incontenible diciendo muchas pa labras que carecen de significado alguno, pero Cantinflas se distingui?siempre por la nobleza de su coraz?, su sentimentalismo, y tambi? porque siempre hac? befa de los todopoderosos que se aparec?n en su camino. En 1941, el productor Felipe Mier fund?la productora Posa Films dedicada a la producci? de sus c?ebres comedias, muy populares en los pa?es de habla hispana. Miembro del Sindicato de Actores se distingui?por su oposici? a la pol?ica de su presidente, Jorge Negrete, de car?ter muy autoritario. A la muerte s?ita de ?te le sucedi?en el cargo fundando la Casa del Actor, de tipo ben?ico. Hombre caracterizado por su generosidad, a partir de 1952 emprende una campa? en favor de los pobres, para construir un complejo de h?itat social. Aparte de su carrera cinematogr?ica se le conoce su extensa actividad como torero c?ico, retir?dose a su rancho donde vivi?sus ?timos a?s falleciendo el 21 de abril de 1993.
In English:Brown Mario " Cantinflas " was born in City of Mexico day 12 of August of 1913. Following desires of his father it was registered in the Medicine Faculty of the University of City of Mexico, but during his studies it began to make his professional pinitos like dancer and imitador. A day appeared before an industralist of the music hall Jalapa (Side Cross) to dance, but a day the premises underwent a mishap and the scene director ordered to him that he left to scene to calm the spirits of the public. Mario was put nervous, begun to speak of difficult form causing the hilaridad of the spectators and initiated thus its race like comedian. The success of Cantinflas was sweeping, little by little was forming the personage who him has made famous although in principle he was compared to him with Charlot. Own the Charles Chaplin his became admirer and tried to roll without fortune a film with him. If Charlot were a marginal vagabond in a developed country, the United States, however Cantinflas was it in a much more poor society, Mexico, reason why its marginalization was smaller. A characteristic that him made famous was its uncontrollable verborrea saying many pa workings that lack meaning some, but Cantinflas always distinguished by the nobility of its heart, its sentimentality, and also because it always made jeering of the omnipotent that appeared in their way. On 1941, the producer Felipe Mier founded the producer Puts Films dedicated to the production of its famous comedies, very popular in the countries of Hispanic speech. Member of the Union of Actors was distinguished by its opposition to the policy of its president, Jorge Negrete, of very authoritarian character. To the sudden death of this one the House of the Actor happened to him in the position founding, of beneficial type. Man characterized by his generosity, as of 1952 please launches a campaign in the poor men, to construct a complex of social habitat. Aside from its cinematographic race its extensive activity like humorous bullfigther is known him, retiring to its farm where it lived his last years passing away the 21 on April of 1993.
cantiflas filmatography
1. Barrendero, El (1981) .... Napole?
2. México de mis amores (1977) .... El mismo
3. Patrullero 777, El (1977) .... Diogenes Bravo
4. Ministro y yo, El (1976)
... aka Minister and Me, The (1976) (USA: literal English title)
5. Conserje en condominio (1973) .... ?sulo
6. Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo (1972) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas) .... Sancho Panza
... aka Don Quijote cabalga de nuevo (1972) (Mexico) (Spain)
... aka Don Quixote Rides Again (1972) (USA: informal literal English title)
7. Profe, El (1971) .... S?rates Garc?
8. Great Sex War, The (1969) .... General Marcos
... aka Make Love Not War (1969) (Europe: English title)
9. Quijote sin mancha, Un (1969) .... Justo Leal y Aventado
... aka Quixote Without La Mancha, A (1969) (USA)
10. Por mis pistolas (1968) .... Fidencio
... aka With My Guns (1968)
11. Su excelencia (1966) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
12. Señor doctor, El (1965) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Salvador Medina/Chava
13. Padrecito, El (1964) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Padre Sebasti?
14. Agente XU 777 (1963) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas') .... Feliciano
... aka Entrega inmediata (1963) (Mexico)
15. Extra, El (1962) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Extra, The (1962) (International: English title)
16. Analfabeto, El (1961) .... Inocencio Prieto y Calvo
... aka Illiterate One, The (1961) (International: English title)
17. Pepe (1960) .... Pepe
18. Sube y baja (1959) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Ups and Downs (1959)
19. Ama a tu prójimo (1958)
20. Bolero de Raquel, El (1957) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas)
21. Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) .... Passepartout
22. Charro inmortal, El (1955)
23. Abajo el telón (1955)
... aka Drop the Curtain (1955) (International: English title)
24. Caballero a la medida (1954) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
25. Screen Snapshots: Hollywood Goes to Mexico (1954) .... Himself
26. Señor fotógrafo, El (1952)
... aka Mr. Photographer (1952) (International: English title)
27. Si yo fuera diputado (1952) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
28. Bombero atómico, El (1950) (as M?io Moreno 'Cantinflas')
29. Siete machos, El (1950) .... Margarito/El Siete machos
30. Portero, El (1950) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Puerta, joven (1950) (Mexico)
31. Mago, El (1949) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Magician, The (1949/I) (USA)
32. Supersabio, El (1948) (as Mario Moreno "Cantinflas") .... Cantinflas
33. ¢®A volar joven! (1947)
... aka Puerta joven (1947) (Mexico)
34. Soy un prófugo (1946) (as Mario Moreno Cantinflas)
35. Carnaval en el trópico (1946)
... aka Fiesta en Veracruz (1946) (Mexico)
36. Día con el diablo, Un (1945)
37. Gran Hotel (1944) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
38. Romeo y Julieta (1943) .... Romeo
... aka Romeo and Juliet (1943)
39. Circo, El (1942)
40. Tres mosqueteros, Los (1942)
... aka Three Musketeers, The (1942) (International: English title)
41. Gendarme desconocido, El (1941) (as Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas')
... aka Unknown Policeman, The (1941) (International: English title: informal title)
42. Ni sangre, ni arena (1941)
... aka Neither Blood Nor Sand (1941) (International: English title)
43. Cantinflas boxeador (1940)
44. Cantinflas ruletero (1940) (as M?io Moreno 'Cantinflas')
45. Cantinflas torero (1940)
46. Cantinflas y los censos (1940)
47. Cantinflas y su prima (1940)
48. Recordar es vivir (1940)
49. Ahí está el detalle (1940) .... Himself/Leonardo del Paso
50. Cantinflas jengibre contra dinamita (1939)
51. Siempre listo en las tinieblas (1939)
52. Signo de la muerte, El (1939) .... Cantinflas
53. Águila o sol (1938) .... Polito Sol
54. ¢®Así es mi tierra! (1937) .... El Tej?
... aka Such Is My Country (1939) (USA)
55. No te engañes corazón (1936)
... aka Don't Fool Thyself, Heart (1937) (USA: literal English title)
oh boy i feel stupid. heh heh, they're right there. *points* ah... *stupid* ahhh what the feck is wrong with me?????? >_K
at the library. o_@! doin' spanish project. or supposed to be... my email doesn't work for some reason! *whines* wow guess who i saw today!! michelle leu from leal!!! OMG!!!!! i was so surprised. i almost didn't recognize her. *sigh* i was so happy. it was unbelieveably! *memories* ahh *tear* haha. i also saw irene. she stole my computer and started writing in her blog. i want more fushigi yuugi. caroline's friend forgot to give her the new episodes. shit what time is it??? ah only 5:17. this person next to me had a watch that she obviously forgot to change to the correct time so i thougth it was 7 something. heart attack!! oh no you know what. we didn't get 2nd. well, overall, we did... but colorguard got 7th. arg it was because troast doesn't know how to write drill, that feck!!! feck him!!! omg we saw the video.. and the blue flags... it was like a dream!!! *wobby purple eyes* FLAGS!! after the first 16 counts, it was like ALL TOGETHER!!! *cries* i.. its just... it was so freakin' clean!!!!!!! *sob* i'm crying in happiness... *sniff sniff* clean!!! CLEAN, I TELL YOU!!!! :' )
Sunday, October 27, 2002
the days are boring
so boring i want to
the nights
they are long and cold
the world feels empty
...and you lose the will to live
just to sleep
to end the weariness,
the drudgery of everyday life
will be fine
close your eyes
and join me...
close your eyes
and join me
close your eyes
and feel what i feel
12:19 AM, 10.03.02~
so boring i want to
the nights
they are long and cold
the world feels empty
...and you lose the will to live
just to sleep
to end the weariness,
the drudgery of everyday life
will be fine
close your eyes
and join me...
close your eyes
and join me
close your eyes
and feel what i feel
12:19 AM, 10.03.02~
soar high, suzaku. miracle la.
the legend begins to unfold
and the real me inside unfurls
the distant echo of "i love you"...
...leads me to you
my awakening soul shines... this other world
oh, what can i do now...
...for the one i love?
there are no dreams that can't come true
i believe in what lies ahead
because i believe that love...
...will save us everytime
open yourself to eternity
to our mysterious play
-opening theme song, fushigi yuugi~
as soon as i call out your name...
... i may suddenly wake up
it'll never be this easy...
...for us to meet again by chance like this
in this crowd, i see you...
...looking just at the girls whose hair is like mine
surely you must be looking for someone
is it someone with whom to fall in love?
when our eyes meet for a moment...
...i realize i'm the one you're looking for
this can't be, it can't be!
you're running to me!
the fuse of my beating heart... now running through my body
i can't let myself go to pieces now!
i have to pull myself together
but, just a bit
today, just a bit...
...i'm feeling like a little lost kitten
and if you attack me with kindness...
...i may have no choice but to go with you
-tokimeki no dokasen - ignition of heartbeat, fushigi yuugi~
the legend begins to unfold
and the real me inside unfurls
the distant echo of "i love you"...
...leads me to you
my awakening soul shines... this other world
oh, what can i do now...
...for the one i love?
there are no dreams that can't come true
i believe in what lies ahead
because i believe that love...
...will save us everytime
open yourself to eternity
to our mysterious play
-opening theme song, fushigi yuugi~
as soon as i call out your name...
... i may suddenly wake up
it'll never be this easy...
...for us to meet again by chance like this
in this crowd, i see you...
...looking just at the girls whose hair is like mine
surely you must be looking for someone
is it someone with whom to fall in love?
when our eyes meet for a moment...
...i realize i'm the one you're looking for
this can't be, it can't be!
you're running to me!
the fuse of my beating heart... now running through my body
i can't let myself go to pieces now!
i have to pull myself together
but, just a bit
today, just a bit...
...i'm feeling like a little lost kitten
and if you attack me with kindness...
...i may have no choice but to go with you
-tokimeki no dokasen - ignition of heartbeat, fushigi yuugi~
the thing i hate most about susan is the expresion on her face. UGH! i shudder to think of it. i learned some sabre work. fun. went to homecoming. not fun. WE GOT SECOND PLACE FOR COMPETETION!!!!!!!!!!!!! O^__^O i'm... i'm so happy!!!!! when i read thu's profile, i gasped. second place!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! i was happy when mark said we were "the bomb" :3 but i didn't know it was second place!! out of 11 schools!! we didn't get last! we didn't get last!!! ahhhhhhhhh... *sniff* so happy! i'm never going to a school dance again. never! everything was pretty crapy. feck, i have to do my essay. i fergot to meet at the library because i woke up at 2:45 with rubbery feeling legs and arms. i fell asleep after showering last night without eating, thats why. so i woke up so drained of energy! it was scary. but then i ate then lay down and after a while all was better. i wish i stayed at the competition. also, michelle and michelle went up with natalie! and we got 2nd! so i wish i saw that! awww i would have been so much happier there!!! damn cheryl! i never even saw her there!!!! ever! gaaaaaaaaaaaackt!! hes so beautiful!! and i watched more fushigi yuugi!! tamahome! HOTOHORI!!!!!! *__* I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ._. haha see that face. its funny lookin'. we went to mall on friday and i dragged everyone to practically every store that sold clothing. poor guys. sorry. i finally found this really huge looking nasty red dress that everyone said looked good (only bec they were tired and wanted to leave aha) and then went home. and slept. and competition on sat. that felt so good when we finished. exhilerating. bec susan got lost so she wasn't there for the entire movement 4. take that, sicko! :3 it so irritating to have to see her everyday. diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie you sick ugly lil sick thing. gross. stab. also i will never get my cd from cd guy. feeeeeeeeeeeeck. i will eat him.