2ND PLACE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >D >D >D >D
Saturday, February 01, 2003
Thursday, January 30, 2003

what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net | merchandise!
did i take this before? i dunno.. my headhurts but at least things aren't spinning...
i just watched the last 4 episodes of x again. T_T its so sad!!!! ;_; mmmm we have practice today... mm rifle.
ooo this is soooooooooooooo funny!!! i kept laughing outloud. here, its lord of the rings engrish! hahahahaha
NO MORE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D i'm so happy. also, i got a 50 out of 50 for my oral!! YAY! :) i wanted to get my rifle today afterschool but the cabinet was locked. :( darn. yesterday i had the strangest dream... either i dreamed i had that thing again in which i can't move, or it was real.. it was weird because i was trying to turn to my other side, but only my hands were twitching, and i REALLY wanted to turn over, and it was soooo annoying, and i kept thinking i could break through it and move, but my damn hands just kept twitching whilst the rest of me refused to move. :( yay no finals anymore! i'm so happy i want to drive around! ap euro finals weren't that hard, yay! and spanish either! but i know i can't get an a in the class anyways, so i'm not worrying because as long as i get at least 50%, i keep my b. :)
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
yay natalie said my backhands were good! well, except i jerk my body whilst doing them.. :/ man its reely hot. damn you, el nino. ooooohno!!! 3 ap euro study guides to do, plus i gotta study regular and study hard for spanish.. MAN! ok i should concentrate on studying, so i shall go! man we got our julius caesar test back, and i got 3 questions wrong! damn those quotes. ooo the song is stuck in my head... if i had my flag i would do the work. backhands! i keep thinking of rifle whilst i was doing my essay... speaking of which, i think i did terrible on it... 3 here it comes... oh yeah and i did use "whilst" in my essay. man, it was WEAK. especially the conclusion. i wish i could hit myself over the head for it. but this time i actually had time to finish it, because i did the grammer part (EASY!!! whew!) all fast and had an hour and 30 minutes left... ok going to ralphs instead of studying because i have to buy some food. wish i could drive, but i gotta walk. :(
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
got my PSAT scores yesterday.... i guess i did okay. the best was verbal, 70. so overall i got 1330, if you calculate it according to the SATs... pretty good? oooo i think i messed up on the finals.. but it was ok.. i think the hardest will be spanish now.. ohno i have english tomorrow! i figured it would be the easiest, but i underestimate the power of the essay! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
i was watching my brother play metal gear solid 2, and it was hi-larious because the guy was captured, and the ppl took his clothes and equipment so he was naked running around covering himself. hahahaha!!! so funny! its kinda scary to watch him do the cartwheels like that though....
whilst.. i'm going to use that in my essay. muahahahahaha.
i was watching my brother play metal gear solid 2, and it was hi-larious because the guy was captured, and the ppl took his clothes and equipment so he was naked running around covering himself. hahahaha!!! so funny! its kinda scary to watch him do the cartwheels like that though....
whilst.. i'm going to use that in my essay. muahahahahaha.
Monday, January 27, 2003
my brother has metal gear solid 2, the game. well, he borrowed it. anyways, does it sound familiar? yes, gackt! :D!! i want to plaaaaaaaaay it now... but he won't let me. also, the main character guy.. i like his hair. 'tis nice :)
ooooo tomorrow is finals!!!! 0_0!!! what the hell? its like 5 already... what have i been doing all this time?? o yeah.. i was stranded at school for a while because dad DITCHED me! and he was all mad after saying like "where were you?" when he was the one who left. pf. ooo the english test wasn't that hard, but i can kiss an 100% goodbye because i already missed one, and probably missed at least three, the three quotes i didn't know. damn. awwwwww man i can't get an a in spanish. and that was my high b, too. now i'm stuck with 4 bs and 2 as. MAN! ohno if i get a c i would just die..... diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie... oh i wrote some poems yesterday.. but they sound so.. love-angsty. yuck? iono... whatever. its almost time for practice... idiot that i am, i didn't start studying or doing my "hw" (the three ap euro study guides- all of 'em are due thurday, MAN!)...