Which Disney Princess are you?
i hardly think thats me... oh ew. at least i'm a real princess! hah. i'm creeping out my sister *evil manical laughter* didn't write yesterday but thats okay. omg i went home after band camp yesterday, and i just fell asleep. and i slept for a long time. LONG time! well i wanted to write something yesterday, but i forgot what already. oh yeah! we met deedee and learned the 27 points thing. which they thought we learned already, but we didn't... so i think thats it from yesterday. today we learned more drill and yeah, i got it until we started from page ONE!! and i got lost because the band weren't moving as i thought they were... so: ><;;; ugh i hate page 19 to 20 because thats when after the band surrounds me and then i have to move backwards out of them while they're moving around uh more, so i collided a bit... erg! and some guy stepped on my foot! ARG! according to the counts, I'M the one who gets to go first. grrrrr. anyways, i think we're supposed to have our flags moving by then, so for sure i will hit them. o__O;;; then i went home and slept, but i couldn't wake up so it took a while and i was almost late. i had a headache then and my eyes were very red. (OH! i just remembered we did this thing around a circle, and everyone has a name. i think i can remember all of them.. methinks they were: angelic alicia, faboulous famen, [oops dunt know how to spell that...] maniac michelle, awesome arlene, zesty zyra, creepy christina, silly susan, mental megan, gruesome grace, jovial janet, psycho cindy, two thu, mellow melody, dorky daphne, [yay!] crispy christine, moody michelle, irregular ingrid, vicious victoria, i irene, careful cheryl, jolly jessica, cooky coonie, nice natalie.. i think thats it but i don't remember what it was for irene) so i put on my sunglasses in the band room and that means i turned into "dumb daphne" according to michelle. now i have a split personality, dorky daphne and dumb daphne. dorky daphne is smarter because she doesn't wear sunglasses indoors. haha my sister is mad at me right now as i type because i'm using "her" computer time, even she shouldn't be on and used it ALL day, gosh. ow my eye hurts. better take a shower after this. man we learned the dance moves to the drill today, and i think mark was mad when he got there so because some people couldn't do the-first-thing-we-did-that-i-forgot-what-its-called, and we did all arm moves while just walking. erg. i like the first thing better and it looks cooler! omg our first position, which we start out with and hold, is very, erm, questionable. >__<;;; ew i'm so dark now. yuck. i think, but i'm not sure, that we're supposed to do the dance part that we learned at drill tomorrow... but i don't think i want to be in that position in front of the whole band!!! o__@;;; ack i hope we don't have to do that... i am very tired... going to let my sister go on now, so i'm going to shower.....